| Count= 9817 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Bristol | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | | 1905-0097 | AFE | 3148' passing track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Cabin Creek | Correspondence | TAC | 01 | | | 1907-1956 | Correspond | leases for spur track and crossings for Cascade Lumber Co. | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | concerning Eagle Gorge | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | General history, newspaper clippings | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | Assorted pages from missing files | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | First Subdivison General | Correpond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | Weather conditions for 1930 | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Haybow | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | Hand written complaint regarding drainage | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Grading | Tac | 01 | | | | AFE | Riprap canceled | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Lester Depot | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | | 1906-0020 | AFE | Incomplete file, but contains a diagram for a 30'' extension to the existing 28' wide section house | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Martin | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | about the Mountaineers building a lodge 1922 - 1939 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | | 1907-0043 | AFE | Cascade Lumber Co. Seems to not have become an AFE, But accomplished regardless | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | North Yakima | Sidewalk | TAC | 01 | | | 1914-0088 | AFE | Costs of these walkways assigned to the customers -Pacific P&L & Yakima Co. | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | | 1917-0009 | AFE | Change leads from 72# rail to 85# to eliminate errant alarms | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | | 1917-0075 | AFE | Moving crossover and building 1410' of new track to serve business | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | | 1918-0069 | AFE | Additional storage tracks to accomadate business generated from last years improvements | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Pomona | Building | TAC | 01 | | | 1922-0093 | AFE | Ice House improvements MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Selah | Station File | TAC | 01 | | | 1979 | Correspond | Various subjects especially sand in Yakima River near bridge | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Selah | Station File | TAC | 01 | | | 1984 | Correspond | Various subjects especially waste water from Tree Top plant | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Stampede | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | Accounting for the placement by senority for telegraphers assigned to Stampede | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Stampede | Correspondence | TAC | 01 | | | 1957 | Correspond | Ventilation plant issues | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Correspondence | TAC | 01 | | | | | Quite a large "file" for AFE 1606, consisting of many folders including diagrams & letters up to 1955. | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Thrall | ROW Fence | TAC | 01 | | | 1915-0084 | AFE | Concern for live stock entering the right of way | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Wapato - Thrall | Improve ice houses | TAC | 01 | | | 1922-0093 | RFA | Request to make meager improvements to ice storage capacity at Wapato, Pomona, Parker, Roza, Wymer, Untanum and Thrall | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Weston | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | | 1912-0101 | AFE | Service for Morgan lumber + copy of 1890 correspondence | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Wynaco | Diagram | Tac | 01 | | | 1935 | Diagram | of a drainage problem | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Yakima Yard | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | | 1918-0070 | AFE | 9,838' of track - REQUEST DENIED | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Heating | TAC | 01 | | | 1918-0008 | AFE | for the express room | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Planking | TAC | 01 | | | 1920-0110 | AFE | Laying timbers between tracks canceled and covered by AFE 1319-20 | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | | 1920-0117 | AFE | Shelves and counter in ticket office | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | | 1915-0113 | RFA | Ice House expansion proponed for 1915 | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Yakima General | Correpond | TAC | 01 | | | | Correspond | Various correspondence ans notes | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Yakima Roundhouse | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | | 1919-0038 | AFE | 20,000 gal water tank | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Yakima Roundhouse | Agreement | TAC | 01 | | | | Agreement | Switching Agreements | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Borup | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1901-00080 | 1901-0031 | AFE | 3,300' passing track | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Maywood | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1901-00310 | 1901-0033 | AFE | 205' extension to passing track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Humphrey (Canton) | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1901-00311 | 1901-0034 | AFE | 192' extension to the passing track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Covington | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1901-00428 | 1901-0109 | AFE | 200' spur off house track to service Soos Ceek Lbr Co. | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Storage track | TAC | 01 | | 1901-00489 | 1901-0036 | AFE | 1,000' storage track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1901-00679 | 1901-0152 | AFE | 173' spur for Page Lbr | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1902-00421 | 1902-0149 | AFE | 3,000' passing track to the east of the Junction | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | First Subdivison General | Signals | TAC | 01 | | 1903 | | AFE | Discussion of block signals in system | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Henry's Switch | Agreement | TAC | 01 | | 1903 | | Agreement | between NWI, NPRY, and Pacific Coast Coal: creation of "Henrys" | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Ice house | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00237 | 1903-0136 | AFE | New 1000 ton ice house and adjustment to track | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00238 | 1903-0137 | AFE | 395' passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Shoskin | Siding | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00245 | | AFE | 3,000' siding at was then referred to as MP 131 | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ravensdale | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00248 | 1903-0256 | AFE | 3,000' extension to passing track plus 800' siding | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00268 | 1903-0356 | AFE | Rearrange track to accomodate new ash pit and coal bunker | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Coal dock | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00268 | 1903-0144 | AFE | Construct a four pocket arrangement | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Hot Springs | Channel | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00300 | 1903-0268 | AFE | Deepen the bed od Champion creek (correspondence with land owner included) | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Ash pit | TAC | 01 | | 1903-00391 | | AFE | Construct ash track and coal bunker to GN's standards(?) | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Covington | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1903-01830 | 1903-0328 | AFE | 60' extension to Covington Lbr Co. spur | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Flood dyke | TAC | 01 | | 1903-01862 | 1903-0342 | AFE | 100' long dyke / cooperative effort between RR, King County and residents | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1903-01910 | 1903-0000 | AFE | 150' extension to Summit Coal Mine spur | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1904-00001 | 1904-0001 | AFE | Instructions to remove Consummers Coal Co. spur | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Lemolo | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1904-00159 | 1904-0008 | AFE | 3,000' passing track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Dudley | Channel | TAC | 01 | | 1904-00298 | 1904-0059 | AFE | Excavate and provide support for canal under the tracks | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Borup - Weston | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1904-01206 | | AFE | Replace 72# rail with 85# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Martin | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1904-01210 | 1904-0091 | AFE | Section house, bunk house and tool shed | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Extd track | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00101 | 1905-0008 | AFE | Extend yard track 3970' | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | East Auburn | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00136 | | AFE | 150' P.S. through span section for bridge 23 | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Pomona | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00187 | 1905-0025 | AFE | 3000' "between Selah and Roza" | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Extra tracks | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00413 | 1905-0085 | AFE | Combined improvements: add switch tracks (2770' & 1370') plus leads to roundhouse and coal dock | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Lenghten stalls | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00438 | 1905-0094 | AFE | Lenghten the 15 engine house slots to 90' | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Umtanum - Thrall (Indio) | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00452 | 1905-0013 | AFE | {MP 118} Passing track (Post this AFE, the site became known as Indio) AFE 452 (cost over run note to effect that instead of estimated $1 a day for labor, actual cost was $1.75 for WHITE labor | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Ice house | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00507 | 1905-0096 | AFE | Additional 1000 ton ice unit plus 100' extension to the warehouse track | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | North Yakima Yard | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00513 | 1905-0086 | AFE | Yard Change | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00520 | | AFE | St.Paul & Tacoma | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1905-00530 | 1905-0103 | AFE | 540' spur to serve Summit adjacent to NWI spur, later ('20) used by Independent | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Turn table / pit | TAC | 01 | | 1905-01043 | 1905-0013 | AFE | Replace worn 65' unit and with 85' unit | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Turntable | TAC | 01 | | 1905-01044 | 1905-0014 | AFE | 85' turn table to replace existing 65' model to handle loco's larger than 10 wheelers | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Yakima Roundhouse | Turntable | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00000 | | AFE | 70 foot unit at North Yakima | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Kountze | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00070 | 1907-0024 | AFE | 3331' passing track approved 06 / cost adjusted 07 | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Cle Elum - Nelson | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00071 | 1906-0029 | AFE | 3327' between Cle Elum and Nelson (Baker) | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Nelson - Easton | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00072 | | AFE | Passing track | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Talmadge | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00072 | 1906-0023 | AFE | 3294' passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Stampede | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00079 | 1906-0090 | AFE | 2320' passing track | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Borup | Extd p track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00080 | 1906-0048 | AFE | 483' extension to passing track. Interesting file including discussion of "green Italians" | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Martin | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00123 | 1906-0054 | AFE | Extend southside passing track 378' for total of 3369' & n-side by 3188 for a total of 4871' | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00142 | 1906-0084 | AFE | Split of RFA's 1&2 - 2767'+ extension of passing track at west end of yard, includes crossover to coal dock track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00267 | 1906-0038 | AFE | 2320' extension to the W bound passing track including a crossover | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Borup - Weston | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00300 | 1906-0053 | AFE | Passing track 3,300' long | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Bristol | Depot | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00305 | 1906-0053 | AFE | 4th class combined depot - $788.19 | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Humphrey (Canton) | New Depot | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00306 | 1906-0009 | AFE | Errect 4th class depot (info to the effect that Canton could have been this depots name) | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Teanaway | Depot | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00307 | 1906-0052 | AFE | Contruct 4th class combination depot | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Borup | Section house | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00316 | 1906-0045 | AFE | (Comfortable) section house to replace bunk car and keep crews happy | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Teanaway | Siding | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00366 | 1906-0004 | AFE | 3327' lap siding | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00386 | 1906-0087 | AFE | 1107' spur to service Ellensburg Ice & Cold Storage | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00390 | | AFE | Rebuild N.Yakima Freight House after fire | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Lester Depot | Water Supply | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00416 | 1906-0086 | AFE | 5.800' of wooden gravity feed pipe line from hill | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00447 | 1906-0033 | AFE | CB Brussell's Canning site | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Reloc depot | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00449 | 1906-1&2 | AFE | Major rearrangement of terminal facilities, intake of property via vacation, plus track extension/revision work | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00472 | 1906-0104 | AFE | 4068' spur for Gale Creek Lbr | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Stampede | Turntable | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00474 | 1906-0106 | AFE | 80' turntable with a 704' lead track includes DETAILED EXPANATION for its need | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00526 | 1905-0094 | AFE | Build Ice House N.Yakima 200 ton unit | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | North Yakima Yard | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1906-00535 | 1905-0055 | AFE | 100 ton Track scale | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | First Subdivison General | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1906-01030 | | AFE | Relay rail with 85# | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Weston - Palmer | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1906-01031 | 1906-0070 | AFE | Replace 72# rail with 85# in curves (file with 3rd sub general) | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | North Yakima | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1906-01034 | 1906-0005 | AFE | Extend Lombard & Horsley Spur for benefit of Garrett Bros. Brick | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Kanaskat | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1906-01115 | 1906-0081 | AFE | 12' extension to depot | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1906-01123 | 1906-0091 | AFE | Swap out worn out unit, move 80 ton scale into its place, then install new 125 ton unit in its place | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00049 | 1906-0174 | AFE | 600' spur for Kleinburg Bros (see 777-'10 for file) | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Yakima Roundhouse | Washer | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00061 | 1906-0090 | AFE | Steam boiler unit | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Upham | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00124 | 1907-0063 | AFE | 3315' passing track | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00227 | 1009-0061 | AFE | Improving bridge 88, correspondence about "filling" instead / cost over run explained 09 | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Selah | ROW request | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00227 | | AFE | Related to request to "fill" under Bridge 88 in N Yakima | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00336 | | AFE | Spokane Gas | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Quarry spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00443 | 1907-0045 | AFE | 2,000' extension to gravel pit track | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Dudley | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00447 | 1907-0049 | AFE | 3798' passing track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Extra tracks | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00450 | 1907-0094 | AFE | Rearrange and extend yard tracks westward (12,500' of track involved) | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Wye | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00488 | 1907-0035 | AFE | 410' connection of wye with passing track, plus 450' extension to storage track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Nelson(s) | Section house | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00489 | 1907-0022 | AFE | Construct facilities for section foreman's family, bunk house for crews, storage for supplies | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Run around track | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00492 | 1907-0079 | AFE | 1,550' run around track for gavel pit spur | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Pomona | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00499 | 1907-0038 | AFE | 3400' main spur + 2 - 650' side spurs for Cascade Lbr Co. | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Easton | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00534 | 1907-0070 | AFE | 525' spur for F C Wescott's log loading needs | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00541 | 1907-0012 | AFE | 670' spur for St Louis Brewing and Malting CANCELED see '08-125 below | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ravensdale | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00549 | 1907-0095 | AFE | Replace scale and rearrange track for Northwest Improvement Co. | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Byrd | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00594 | 1907-0040 | AFE | 3,300' passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Ravensdale | Extd P trk | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00596 | 1907-0065 | AFE | Connect passing tracks of Ravensdale and Henry's | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Humphrey (Canton) | Set out track | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00605 | 1907-0072 | AFE | 800' set out track for bad order equipment | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Wynaco | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00606 | 1907-0050 | AFE | 600' spur for H.H Howard | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00607 | 1907-0062 | AFE | 125 ton scale at west end and new crossover at east end | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Humphrey (Canton) | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00670 | 1907-0043 | AFE | Extend old passing track and add a 3200' new ps track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1907-00684 | 1906-0118 | AFE | Increase N. Yakima Ice House | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Weston | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1907-01087 | 1907-0000 | AFE | 80' Through Plate Girders (?) | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1907-01124 | 1907-0078 | AFE | Extend lunchroom serve more than 30 people, both employees and passengers | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Shoskin | Connection | TAC | 01 | | 1907-01177 | 1907-0122 | AFE | 90' spur connection with CMStP&P (Milwaukee) line which was under construction | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Stock yard | TAC | 01 | | 1907-01180 | 1907-0093 | AFE | Renewed 242' by 86' (live)stock yard fo | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Baker | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1907-01232 | 1907-0148 | AFE | Protection for bridge 146, Canceled | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Sidewalk | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00030 | | AFE | Adjoining the station | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00125 | 1908-0035 | AFE | Work under '07-541 discontinued when fire distroyed brewery, completed here | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | North Yakima Yard | Team Track | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00163 | 1908-0004 | AFE | 2100' general use facility / completion reported Jan 1909 | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Easton Depot area | Water supply | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00252 | 1908-0051 | AFE | Gravity water supply x Cabin Creek | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Humphrey (Canton) | Quarry spur | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00332 | 1908-0095 | AFE | 2144' temporary quarry, outfit car and derrick spur tracks | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Coal track | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00333 | 1908-0092 | AFE | 290' coal spur to allow coaling of engines during the night | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | MP 119 | Gravel pit | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00394 | 1908-0039 | AFE | Upgrade 749' emergency rock spur for future use | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Selah | Freight Room | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00425 | 1907-0035 | AFE | Original approval $1436.43 (Wenas) | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Wenas | Freight Room | TAC | 01 | | 1908-00425 | 1907-0054 | AFE | $256.52 cost overun, application to cover | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | North Yakima | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1908-01025 | 1908-0002 | AFE | 62' extension to spur to serve Yakima Rex Spray Co. | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Bristol | Temp spur | TAC | 01 | | 1908-01144 | 1908-0056 | AFE | 300' of temporary spur to service J.T. Taylor - CANCELED | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Easton | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00114 | 1909-0018 | AFE | 2000' spur for Cascade Lbr between the main line and Yakima River | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Extend track | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00228 | | AFE | Additional spur track for N. Yakima Ice House | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | North Yakima Yard | Extd T Track | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00229 | 1909-0030 | AFE | Extend team track an additional 1040' | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Ellensburg - Tacoma | Phone line | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00395 | | AFE | Twisted pair phone cable replacement | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00515 | 1909-0052 | AFE | Consolidated Fuel | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00566 | 1909-0055 | AFE | Construction of new station | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Selah | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00603 | 1909-0059 | AFE | 710' spur for St Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co. | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Connection | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00640 | 1909-0112 | AFE | 486' track connecting to the C.M.StP. & P. RR | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Selah | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1909-00681 | 1909-0066 | AFE | Add second lead to E end the St P&T Co. spur (above) | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Thrall | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1909-01121 | | AFE | Extend the Holmes spur | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1909-01399 | 1909-0123 | AFE | Replace 2.1 miles of 85# rail laid in '05 with 90# open hearth | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Selah | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00061 | 1909-0036 | AFE | State of Washington quarry, includes correspondence for other sites along the NP | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00070 | 1910-0004 | AFE | Reset track to align with new coal dock | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Hot Springs | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00140 | 1910-0010 | AFE | 150' tail extension to Kloeber spur for Morgan Lbr Co. | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Teanaway | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00161 | 1910-0017 | AFE | 380' extention of W bound passing track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00271 | 1910-0033 | AFE | 150' extension to W bound passing track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Selah | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00314 | 1910-0045 | AFE | 300' spur to serve Selah Horticulture Union | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Stock scales | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00335 | 1910-0018 | AFE | Scales to weigh stock (for sales purposes) as received into stoack yard | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00381 | 1910-0034 | AFE | Rearrange track for new station | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Track | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00426 | 1910-0035 | AFE | 900' of track for Lucas Lbr (track only) | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00712 | 1910-0122 | AFE | Independent Paving CANCELED | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1910-00777 | 1910-0098 | AFE | 150' extention of Kleinburg spur to service Ramsey Bros whse (includes 49-'07) | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Thrall | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1910-01052 | 1910-0010 | AFE | Relay rail with 90# rail | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | North Yakima Yard | Stock chute | TAC | 01 | | 1910-01245 | 1910-0048 | AFE | Stock chute plus a pen | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Move building | TAC | 01 | | 1910-01287 | 1910-0069 | AFE | Move old station / convert for use as a freight house | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Thrall | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1910-01292 | 1910-0077 | AFE | Relay rail with 90# rail | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Track | TAC | 01 | | 1910-02003 | 1910-0109 | AFE | 561' of track for Lucas Lbr (track only) | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Selah | Agent Panic | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00001 | | AFE | Agent requests relief ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Hubner | Correspond | TAC | 01 | | 1911-0001A | 1911-000A | Correspond | Hubner being recognized as name for spur | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Remove track | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00038 | 1910-0015 | AFE | Take up track laid under AFE 513 of 1905 (at Ice House) | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Lester Depot | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00061 | 1911-0011 | AFE | Extend engineer's room to provide a bath room | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | North Yakima | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00073 | 1919-0133 | AFE | Rearrangement and extension of St. Paul & Tacoma Lbr track | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | North Yakima | X-overs | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00111 | 1911-0023 | AFE | 3 Cross overs | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00157 | 1911-0031 | AFE | Replace two 30' I-beam spans with reinforced concrete slabs Bridge 5 | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00159 | 1911-0030 | AFE | Replace two 30' I-beam spans with reinforced concrete slabs Bridge 3 | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Easton | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00232 | 1911-0021 | AFE | 530' addition to Cascade Lbr spur (see AFE 1691-1920 for file) | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Maywood | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00371 | 1911-0008 | AFE | 4127' of track for Morgan Lbr to create muliple spurs | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00413 | | AFE | ENVELOPE ONLY Northland ManufacturingCo. | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00452 | | AFE | Extra track for interchange use | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00474 | 1911-0062 | AFE | Yakima Co. rock quarry | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Shoskin | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00514 | | AFE | Replace bridge #123 with a "double rail top culvert" and fill | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00531 | 1911-0050 | AFE | Expansion of RFA 1910-122 for Warren Construction | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Teanaway | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00532 | 1911-0069 | AFE | 200' extention to former "Wrights" spur for Cascade Lumber, now to be called the "Younger" spur | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Stampede | Add track | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00556 | 1911-0075 | AFE | Extension of tracks 1 & 2 in the westward direction seems to have been delayed until 1914 | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Thrall | Bank widening | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00593 | 1911-0096 | AFE | Bank Widening | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Easton Depot area | Expand depot | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00651 | 1911-0077 | AFE | 17' extension and rearrangement of depot | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Selah | Depot | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00726 | 1911-0056 | AFE | Upgrade to a new combination station, postponded then approved in 1912 | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00769 | 1911-0092 | AFE | 1806' spur for Washington Woolen Mill Co. | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1911-00780 | 1911-0101 | AFE | Errect a 20' x 40' machine shop | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Indio - Canyon | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1911-01097 | 1911-0038 | AFE | Relay rail with 90# MP 118 - 113 | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | West Portal - MP102 | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1911-01146 | 1911-0024 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Upham - Martin | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1911-01162 | 1911-0032 | AFE | Replace 85# rail with 90# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Nelson's | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1911-01214 | 1911-0043 | AFE | Relay short sections of passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Umtanum - Stampede | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1911-01309 | | AFE | Relay Rail | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Sidewalk | TAC | 01 | | 1911-01357 | 1911-0077 | AFE | Sidewalk on each side of Yakima Ave. | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Engine track | TAC | 01 | | 1911-02037 | 1911-0109 | AFE | Rearrange track at the engine facilities | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Nelson's | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00177 | 1912-0031 | AFE | 1182' extension to EB passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Cinder pit | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00347 | 1912-0025 | AFE | Construct "depressed" cinder track to cut payroll expense | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Pomona | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00360 | 1912-0068 | AFE | 690' extension to the eastbound passing track | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Ravensdale | Relocate x-over | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00409 | 1912-0086 | AFE | Relocate crossover switch 964' west of present location | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Extd T Track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00445 | 1912-0083 | AFE | Extend team track as more needed for general access use | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Wheel drop pit | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00512 | 1912-0110 | AFE | Upgrade pit size and capacity of hydraulic lifts | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Thrall | Loading track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00539 | 1912-0091 | AFE | 550' track for farmers (Mrs Loomis) to directly load hay | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Pavement | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00597 | 1912-0100 | AFE | Brick paving of driveway and space behind the depot | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Weston - Maywood | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00599 | | AFE | Grade raise | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Roza | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00605 | 1912-0052 | AFE | 335' extention to passing track | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Indio | Passing track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00611 | 1912-0057 | AFE | Extend passing track 951' | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Maywood | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00640 | 1912-0065 | AFE | 1202' extension to the E bound passing track (4,000'+ total) | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00661 | 1912-0041 | AFE | Remove and replace old roundhouse with structure large enough to handle "Mikes" | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Sewer hookup | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00663 | 1912-0019 | AFE | Water and sewer service for roundhouse and machine shop | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Elect TT Motor | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00669 | 1912-0140 | AFE | Intstall electric turntable tractor (motor) to cut payroll expense | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Yakima | Siding Track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00707 | 1912-0030 | AFE | 1220' extension for a total of 4'000 of eastbound siding | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Thorp | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00716 | 1912-0058 | AFE | 1010' extension to east bound passing track to allow 70-75 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Shoskin | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00717 | 1912-0060 | AFE | 1013' extension to passing track to allow 70-75 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Bristol | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00718 | 1912-0074 | AFE | 832' extention to W bound passing track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Bristol | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00719 | 1912-0056 | AFE | 1119' extention to E bound passing track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Teanaway | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00720 | 1912-0059 | AFE | 684' extention to W bound passing track to handle consists of 70-75 cars | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Thorp | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00721 | 1912-0075 | AFE | 989.4' extension to west bound passing track to allow 70-75 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00722 | 1912-0054 | AFE | 1010' extension of E bound passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | X-ing alarm | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00723 | 1912-0128 | AFE | Crossing alarm using Hoeschen locomotive type bell | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Teanaway | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00727 | 1912-0057 | AFE | 1075' extention to E bound passing track to handle 70-75 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Lemolo | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00728 | 1912-0071 | AFE | 1361' Extension to the W bound passing track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Dudley | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00729 | 1912-0066 | AFE | Extend E bound track 1177' / W bound by 1146' to handle 70-75 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Grading | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00765 | 1912-0099 | AFE | Grading area around the station | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Kountze | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-00772 | 1912-0072 | AFE | 680' extension to E bound passing track to handle 70-75 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Yakima City - Ellensburg | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01101 | | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Weston - Hot Springs | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01108 | 1912-0037 | AFE | Replace 85# rail with 90# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Stampede - Lester | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01168 | 1912-0039 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Teanaway | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01247 | 1912-0171 | AFE | 270' extention to "Younger" spur | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Roza | Stock yard | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01370 | 1912-0106 | AFE | One pen stock yard and stock shute | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01411 | 1912-0116 | AFE | Replace 56# rail with 85# in pasing tracks at Kanasket, Bryd, Ravensdale, Covington, Wynaco, Auburn | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01433 | | AFE | Relay rail with 85# | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Gravel pit track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01454 | 1912-0132 | AFE | Relocate gravel pit track and setup to work new pit - includes correspondence in 1920 | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01544 | 1912-0200 | AFE | Replace exising 56 & 60# rail in wye with 85# | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Thrall | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01580 | 1912-0172 | AFE | Replace 72# & 85# for original 56# "(too) many derailments (on curved track" | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Repair portal | TAC | 01 | | 1912-01585 | 1912-0239 | AFE | Support E portals brick arch with reinforced concrete for first 10' | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Kanaskat | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02001 | 1912-0145 | AFE | Replace 48,000 gal wood water tank with 100,000 gal steel tank & associated improvements | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Covington | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02014 | 1912-0061 | AFE | 999' extension to W bound passing track | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Auto signal | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02057 | 1912-0155 | AFE | Auto block signal at Lucas Lumber spur | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Oil station track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02083 | 1912-0137 | AFE | 390' track to access the fuel station | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02094 | 1912-0115 | AFE | Yakima Hardware | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Selah | Water | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02121 | 1912-0130 | AFE | Install well & pump to provide drinking water in compliance with state law | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Oil station | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02211 | 1912-0134 | AFE | Auburn to Easton - helper engine fuel oil station. Similar stations in Auburn & Lester | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Wymer | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02232 | 1912-0149 | AFE | Rebuilding 48,000 gallon unit and installing 12" pipe | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Talmadge | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02304 | 1912-0187 | AFE | 24" cast iron pipe culvert | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Bryd | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02321 | 1912-0087 | AFE | 696' extension to the passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02322 | 1912-0067 | AFE | 1,123' extension to W bound passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02329 | 1912-0123 | AFE | Additional Interchange track | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Thorp | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02341 | 1912-0208 | AFE | 200' extension to ice pond spur | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Thrall | Extd L track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02355 | 1912-0161 | AFE | 950' to improve and supplement service to Holmes (AFE 1580 was also for Holmes operation | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | North Yakima | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02374 | 1912-0165 | AFE | 84' extension to Rex Spray Co. spur for Wa. Refining Co. | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02405 | 1912-0175 | AFE | Extend N. Yakima Ice House | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02413 | 1912-0187 | AFE | Canceled in leiu of renewed business from Pocahontas Development Co. | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02424 | 1912-0173 | AFE | to match extended ice house | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Coal bunker track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02426 | 1912-0212 | AFE | Relocate track to commence use of new bunkers / NW Improvement Co. involvement | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02428 | 1912-0216 | AFE | 13' 6" h by 6' w platform along the length of the two ice houses (north side of tracks) | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Ice house spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02461 | 1912-0229 | AFE | (Aprox) 1050' of track to service 3800 ton ice house on south side of tracks | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02475 | 1912-0237 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Selah | Extd P Track | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02485 | 1912-0012 | AFE | Extend passing track 1126' | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Thrall | Extd siding | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02486 | 1912-0044 | AFE | 1201' extension to siding | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Umtanum | Extd siding | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02489 | 1912-0051 | AFE | Extend E-bound siding 1000' | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1912-02498 | 1912-0192 | AFE | 300' extension of "city track" to service Crab Creek Lumber Co. | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00067 | 1913-0183 | AFE | to handle hop traffic | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Covington | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00090 | 1913-0011 | AFE | 975' extension to E bound passing track | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Kanaskat | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00091 | 1913-0013 | AFE | 774' extension of E bound passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Set out track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00103 | 1913-0021 | AFE | Create 700' set out track and extend W bound ps track 154' | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Martin | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00125 | 1913-0010 | AFE | Additions to telegraph offices at Martin and Sampede for tunnel rescue gear | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Stampede | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00125 | 1913-0010 | AFE | Additions to telegraph offices at Martin and Sampede for tunnel rescue gear (see file w/ Martin) | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00149 | 1913-0022 | AFE | 981' extension to passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Wynaco | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00159 | 1913-0027 | AFE | 362' extension to passing track | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Concrete arch | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00186 | 1913-0238 | AFE | 250' long / inverted arch to check inward movement of south wall (Between sta's 1308 & 1558) | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Snow shed | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00187 | 1913-0024 | AFE | Rebuild 61' snow shed destroyed by fire in September 1912 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Wymer | Extd siding | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00196 | 1913-0018 | AFE | 185' extension | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Remove track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00219 | 1913-0031 | AFE | Remove 520' of old coal bunker track that was obsolete | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Shoskin | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00263 | 1913-0038 | AFE | Install 80' long system of concrete and cast iron pipes to meet irrigation obligation due the adjoining land owner | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Maywood | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00270 | 1913-0026 | AFE | 981' extension to the W bound passing track (4,000' total) | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Fuel oil station | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00271 | 1913-0009 | AFE | Construct system for handling and storing boiler fuel oil | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | North Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00341 | 1013-0169 | AFE | Pacific Power & Light | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Bristol | Relocate team track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00350 | 1913-0047 | AFE | Relocate team track to the north side of the main line | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Nelson's | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00376 | 1913-0053 | AFE | 979' extension to WB passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Easton | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00393 | 1914-0042 | AFE | 700' spur for use by the U.S. Reclaimation Service | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Humphrey | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00409 | 1913-0025 | AFE | 992' extensions to both passing tracks plus move water tower | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Shed | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00436 | 1913-0172 | AFE | Structure to cover the turntable | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Air supply | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00474 | 1913-0527 | AFE | Compressors, reservoirs and piping for air testing plant | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Storage track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00481 | 1913-0049 | AFE | Additional track for storage of GR branch traffic and not block passing track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Indio | Set out track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00617 | 1913-0033 | AFE | construct 225' set out track | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Umtanum | Set out track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00618 | 1913-0034 | AFE | Set out track for bad order cars | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Wymer | Set out track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00619 | 1913-0035 | AFE | Set out space for bad order cars | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Baker | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00624 | 1913-0061 | AFE | 652' extension to the passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00626 | 1913-0072 | AFE | 372' extention to W bound passing track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Talmadge | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00626 | 1913-0057 | AFE | 690' extension to passing track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Kountze | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00664 | 1913-0062 | AFE | 960' spur to handle Cascade Lumber | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00684 | 1913-0103 | AFE | Wiring and electric lights for roundhouse & machine shop | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Selah | New siding | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00695 | 1913-0023 | AFE | New siding/passing track | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | East Auburn | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00715 | 1913-0051 | AFE | 1202' extra spur off gravel pit spur to quarry gravel for King County | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Bristol | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00724 | 1913-0089 | AFE | 468' extension to team track to service Cascade Lumber | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Selah | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-00738 | 1913-0084 | AFE | Changes to better compete with arrival of ORN service | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Sidewalk | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01016 | 1913-0003 | AFE | 500' improved sidewalk crossing main tracks, as requested by city | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01054 | 1913-0019 | AFE | Replace rail laid down in early 1910 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Selah - Pomona | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01057 | 1913-0009 | AFE | Relay rail with 90# | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Lester - Palmer Jct. | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01084 | 1913-0035 | AFE | Replace "turnouts" with 85# rail | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01085 | 1913-0036 | AFE | Upgrade material used at curved sections to 85# stock | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Stampede - Palmer Jct | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01166 | 1913-0067 | AFE | Sanitary decking of bridges through the Tacoma's new watershed | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Hot Springs - Palmer Jct | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01189 | 1913-0056 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Cle Elum | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01238 | 1913-0088 | AFE | Relay Rail | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01276 | 1913-0082 | AFE | Replace 56# stock with 85# on west leg of wye | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Extd stock yard | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01359 | 1913-0143 | AFE | 52' x 32' expansion of stock yard | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01412 | 1913-0167 | AFE | Throw 7 yard tracks to provide proper clearance of 13' centers | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Special toilet | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01417 | 1913-0161 | AFE | Sanitary toilet flushing to a wooden vault installed to protect the Tacoma water supply | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Ellensburg - Cle Elum | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1913-01429 | 1913-0177 | AFE | Relay rail with 85# | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Stampede | Fill bridges | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02008 | 1913-0090 | AFE | Remove the need for two small bridges under side tracks by filling under them | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Extd snow shed | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02323 | 1913-0140 | AFE | 45' extension to snow shed at the west portal | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02327 | 1913-0145 | AFE | Repair roundhouse that was damaged by July 7th fire leveling town | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Yakima Freight / Ice house | Lighting | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02349 | 1913-0129 | AFE | Wiring for electric service | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Maywood | Section house | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02390 | 1913-0142 | AFE | Rebuild section house destroyed by chimney fire on July 19 | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | North Yakima | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02441 | 1913-0142 | AFE | Equip in track weighing unit with a register beam | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Nelson's | ROW Fencing | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02444 | 1913-0159 | AFE | 6,000' of fence to protect Bart Bruno's cattle | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Thorp | Excavate | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02504 | 1913-0152 | AFE | Excavate 19 acres to expand ice making potential | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Borup | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02524 | 1913-0147 | AFE | Cast iron pipe (CIP) culvert to replace bridge | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Easton - Upham | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02527 | 1913-0126 | AFE | Riprap at bridge 161 | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Selah | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02540 | 1913-0147 | AFE | 300' spur for Selah Horticultural Union | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Selah | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02597 | 1913-0150 | AFE | 300' spur for Remington horticulture warehouse | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1913-02747 | 1913-0178 | AFE | Request for spur to serve Cascade Lbr, canceled after authorization | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Stampede | Bridge walkway | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00012 | 1914-0194 | AFE | Foot walk and hand railing for bridge 177.25 | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Thorp | Relocate spur | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00099 | 1914-0021 | AFE | Rearrange ice pond trackage | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Lemolo - Humphrey | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00210 | 1914-0029 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Cle Elum - Easton | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00292 | | AFE | ABS installation | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Humphrey | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00294 | 1914-0037 | AFE | 779' spur to service Ellis and Creech | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00310 | 1914-0034 | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Wynaco | Water supply | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00358 | 1914-0040 | AFE | Connect water supply with Auburn line | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00392 | 1914-0035 | AFE | 447' spur off the Wa. Woolen Mile spur for Union Oil of So. Cal. | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Agreement | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00392 | | Agreement | 1953 agreement to cancel 50' of leased track covered above | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Tell tales | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00394 | 1914-0039 | AFE | Placement of 3 double track and 1single track tell tales for approaches to coal dock | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00466 | 1914-0050 | AFE | Install scale on siding between Kanasket and Palmer Junction | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Covington | Freight shed | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00515 | 1914-0044 | AFE | 12' x 10' freight shelter shed - hand written note by agent Schmider | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Extd oil hse | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00523 | 1914-0074 | AFE | 10' by 20' brick extension of oil house to replace wooden strucure / concern for fire (ns) | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00565 | 1914-0082 | AFE | Replace wood box culvert with 36" concrete pipe | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Move P track | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00655 | 1914-0077 | AFE | Relax curvature of west turn out of W bound passing track | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Humphrey | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00709 | 1914-0072 | AFE | Track used for spur above relayed to quarry spur | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Lester Depot | Caboose track | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00711 | 1914-0078 | AFE | 320' track expressly for storing a caboose | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | North Yakima | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00744 | 1914-0067 | AFE | Storage Tracks | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Lester - Palmer Jct. | Telegraph | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00752 | 1914-0010 | AFE | Line supports (steel) on 4 bridges | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Cle Elum - Lester | Telegraph | TAC | 01 | | 1914-00794 | | AFE | Reconstruct pole lines | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Cabinets | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01030 | 1914-0001 | AFE | Creating boxes surrounding air system & coach-water hydrants for safety | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Relay crossover | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01036 | 1914-0028 | AFE | | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Talmadge | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01063 | 1914-0047 | AFE | Replace turn out track with 85# stock | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Water supply | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01064 | 1914-0030 | AFE | Connect water tank with station | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Pomona | Bunk house | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01101 | 1914-0049 | AFE | Larger bunk house for section gang $189.00 and car bodies | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Relay eng trk | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01115 | 1914-0076 | AFE | Replace 3rd class 56# track with 3rd class 85# to handle weight of Z-3 | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Bridge walkway | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01195 | 1914-0103 | AFE | Walk and hand railing for both sides of the Green River bridge | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | East Auburn | Track account | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01390 | 1914-0112 | AFE | Gravel operation, how to account for | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Relay P track | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01431 | 1914-0173 | AFE | Relay former passing track now 2nd main with 90# | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Martin | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01433 | 1914-0175 | AFE | Replace lighter weight rail with 85# stock on W bound passing track | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Martin | T O signal | TAC | 01 | | 1914-01447 | 1914-0179 | AFE | Install "Swift" train order signal | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02013 | 1914-0081 | AFE | Repair work | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Hot Springs | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02177 | 1914-0071 | AFE | Replace pile structure with through plate girder span on concrete abutments | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Section house | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02305 | 1914-0130 | AFE | Errect standard plan section house for ventilation plant operators | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Rearrange spur | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02355 | 1914-0131 | AFE | Moving track to away from slide prone slope at Summit mine | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Oil seperator | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02400 | 1914-0133 | AFE | Install oil seperator to quell the concerns of farmers | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02406 | 1914-0099 | AFE | Throw and extend King County gravel spur | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Thorp | Relocate spur | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02436 | 1914-0144 | AFE | Rearrange ice pond trackage to provide standard clearance | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Vent plant | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02458 | 1913-0130 | AFE | Steam fired electric generation / ventilation plant to flush smoke (Includes news realease to the Seattle P.I. | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Stampede | New office | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02542 | 1914-0145 | AFE | New structures at new location for telegraph office and residences | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Martin | Move office | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02586 | 1914-0155 | AFE | Move telegraph office to tunnel portal to avoid having train crews do switch throwing | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Coal dock | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02621 | 1914-0163 | AFE | Rebuild coal dock after fire of August 27, 5:45PM / gasoline explosion | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Easton Depot area | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02646 | 1914-0170 | AFE | 300' platform between main line tracks | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02657 | 1914-0159 | AFE | Install electric lights at vent plant and residences at west portal | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02781 | 1914-0158 | AFE | Replace freight house after fire, consider moving scale from Ronald | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Kountze | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1914-02819 | 1914-0187 | AFE | 500' extension to Cascade Lumber spur | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Hot Springs | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00344 | 1915-0043 | AFE | Remove 644' Morgan Lbr spur and lay 540' spur for Hot Springs Wood and Post | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Roza | ROW fence | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00447 | 1915-0049 | AFE | Aprox. 5 miles of fencing, requested in 15, approved in 16 | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Hot Springs | Key spur | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00483 | 1915-0016 | AFE | 500' spur off main line (above lead "tails" off this) | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Team track | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00493 | 1915-0067 | AFE | 625' general use facility | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Humphrey - Palmer Jct | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00501 | 1915-0053 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00502 | 1915-0054 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Stampede - Lester | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00558 | 1915-0078 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Wynaco | Shorten spur | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00559 | 1915-0079 | AFE | Take up last 330' of track, leave 308' of Howard spur. Mill burned down | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Kanaskat | Umbrella shed | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00610 | 1914-0168 | AFE | 560' umbrella shed to protect waiting passengers generated off the Buckley Branch | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Easton - Borup | Telegraph | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00615 | | AFE | Reconstruction of joint NP / Western Union pole lines | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | East Auburn | Pedestrian walk | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00650 | 1915-0061 | AFE | Pile bridge and sidewalk undercrossing for Main St | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00665 | 1915-0045 | AFE | Reset track gravel pit access track | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Bunk houses | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00697 | 1915-0092 | AFE | Two car body bunk houses to go with 4 already on the south side of tracks | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1915-00698 | 1915-0093 | AFE | 683' spur line for Standard Oil, 123' of which to be owned and maintaine by customer | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Wynaco | ROW fencing | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01053 | 1915-0019 | AFE | 1335' barbed wire fence to propect G. Nordyke's cattle per state law | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Kennedy | Toilets | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01085 | 1915-0032 | AFE | Sanitary toilets (pit model) | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Hot Springs - Humphrey | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01096 | 1915-0037 | AFE | Replace 85# rail with 90# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Wymer | Water | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01115 | 1915-0026 | AFE | Piping water to the telegraph office and section house off pump to WT line | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Dudley - Bristol | Bank widening | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01128 | 1915-0059 | AFE | Bank Widening | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Dudley - Bristol | ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01175 | 1915-0056 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Water Service | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01177 | 1915-0063 | AFE | Connect N.P. facilities to city water | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | East Auburn | X - ing sign | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01285 | 1915-0099 | AFE | Crossing sign at First St. | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Pavement | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01306 | 1915-0163 | AFE | Road & road bridge work to satisfy the city | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Wheel track | TAC | 01 | | 1915-01313 | 1915-0162 | AFE | 60' wheel track | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Replace drains | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02017 | 1915-0111 | AFE | Replace roundhouse and turntable's wood pipe drains with vitrified pipe | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | North Yakima | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02042 | 1915-0080 | AFE | Extend & throw St Paul & Tacoma spur that was susequently assisned to John Dower Lbr in May 1921 | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Wymer | Spur change | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02178 | 1915-0085 | AFE | Create spur to handle National Infusorial Earth Co. traffic | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Staff system | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02185 | 1915-0112 | AFE | Install electric staff signal system over switches at Martin & old stampede to control traffic entering tunnel | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02187 | 1915-0151 | AFE | Rearrange track to provide for a 780' interchange track for Page Lbr | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Train order signal | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02211 | 1915-0126 | AFE | Install an upper quadrant, three position train order signal | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | East Auburn | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02212 | 1915-0135 | AFE | for bridge 4 | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Tunnel walkway | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02297 | 1915-0153 | AFE | 2.1 mile wood plank walkway for trainmen | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Elect TT motor | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02331 | 1915-0159 | AFE | Install turntable tractor to save cost of human actuation | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Bristol - Baker | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1915-02416 | 1915-0168 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Yakima Roundhouse | Coal dock | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00000 | 1916-0053 | AFE | Coal dock | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Stampede | Abandon "old" | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00008 | 1916-0002 | AFE | Remove turntable and outside tracks from "old" Stampede | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Kennedy | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00124 | 1916-0023 | AFE | 10' x 10' lean to additional to box car body residence | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | O head walk | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00168 | 1916-0013 | AFE | Install overhead staging (catwalks) for safety of roudhouse employees | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Wynaco | Bridge walkway | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00249 | 1916-0042 | AFE | Walk and railing along bridge for safety of trainmen during switching operations | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00371 | 1916-0160 | AFE | A UNIQUE system for washing away cinders produced at the ventilation instead of having to shovel them into gondolas | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Easton | Land sale | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00376 | 1916-0093 | AFE | Sale of land to Johnson Brothers and Sarah Bower | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Wynaco | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00395 | 1916-0041 | AFE | to protect ROW errosion during high flows | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00436 | 1916-0043 | AFE | 8' x 10' oil house for the vent plant | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1916-00697 | 1916-0030 | AFE | plus paving YVT crossing and lamp posts | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Lemolo - Palmer Jct | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01038 | 1916-0017 | AFE | Replace 85# rail with 90# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Signal supply house | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01139 | 1916- | AFE | Move signal maintainers supply house from Thorp | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01143 | 1916-0101 | AFE | Cut back stock yard platform to provide standard clearance | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Nelson | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01155 | 1916-0102 | AFE | Relay short sections of passing track (56# & 60# rial with 85#) Change to Nelson on 8-10-15 | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Talmadge | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01156 | 1916-0103 | AFE | Replace 60 lineal ft of 60# rail with 85# | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01157 | 1916-0104 | AFE | Replace 256' of 56 & 60# stock of W bound siding with 85# | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Stampede | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01173 | 1916-0112 | AFE | Replace 66# & 72# stock on track 1 with 3rd class 85# rail | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Telegraph | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01177 | 1916-0050 | AFE | Heavy repair of lines | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ravensdale - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01270 | 1916-0185 | AFE | Replace 85# with 90# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Humphrey - Lemolo | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-01271 | 1916-0186 | AFE | Replace 85# rail with 90# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02003 | 1916-0063 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Easton + Lester - Hump | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02004 | 1916-0064 | AFE | Rail Anchors | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Soos Creek | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02061 | 1916-0069 | AFE | to protect ROW errosion during high flows of Soos Creek | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02197 | 1916-0141 | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Selah | Move depot | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02320 | 1913-0071 | AFE | Move combo depot & add to passing track | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | North Yakima | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02324 | 1916-0016 | AFE | Track changes | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Umtanum | Residence | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02361 | 1916-0212 | AFE | Request to car body, and modifications to, for use by signal maintainer as residence | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02421 | 1916-0079 | AFE | Replace decayed low tank with 48K gal.high tank for better pressure | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Extd stock yard | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02437 | 1916-0095 | AFE | 7480 sq' addition to the sock yard to hold more sheep | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Bristol | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02440 | 1916-0092 | AFE | Install 24" concrete culvert | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02484 | 1916-0109 | AFE | 592' of new track for 2 leads to service operation to be opened by Independent Coal and Coke | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Weld machine | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02577 | 1916- | AFE | Oxy-acetylene machine for cutting and welding | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Kennedy | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02692 | 1916-00124 | AFE | Replace 24' of a 18" tile pipe with 19" Galvo - Iron pipe Culvert #189-A | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Stampede | Extd culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02717 | 1917-0116 | AFE | 24' extension of culvert carrying creek under triple wide track at vent plant | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Martin | Telegraph | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02722 | | AFE | Rebuild telegraph line cutting overland above the tunnel | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Covington | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02746 | 1916-0111 | AFE | 385' spur for H N Burpee | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Borup | Snow fence | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02895 | 1916-0099 | AFE | 1000' of open board snow fence where drifts are constant | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Extd snow sheds | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02896 | 1916-0100 | AFE | 120' extension to snow shed at E end of #3, 350' to E end & 75' to W end of #4 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Upham | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02900 | 1916-0145 | AFE | Replace and extend culvert | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Easton | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02955 | 1916-0130 | AFE | 222' extension to the "government spur" now to serve the interests of Pettijohn and Craig ( timber ) File states the spur was removed under AFE # 224 of 1929 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Upham | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02958 | 1916-0152 | AFE | Install 20,000 water tank to provide greater capacity and access to main line | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Stampede | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1916-02959 | 1916-0153 | AFE | 20,000 gallon water tank and stand pipe | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Covington | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03004 | 1916-0150 | AFE | Remove Covington Lbr Co. spur | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Borup | Standpipe | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03064 | 1916-0149 | AFE | Additonal water standpipe to service westbound track | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Ravensdale | Remove scale | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03065 | 1916-0159 | AFE | Remove track scales from NW Improvement siding - mine closed | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Dudley | Pump | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03096 | 1916-0164 | AFE | Replace steam pump with gas engine pump | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Stampede | Derail | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03097 | 1916-0165 | AFE | Placement of a derail on track 2 to avoid outfit cars from fowling the tracks | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Shoskin | Grading | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03190 | 1916-0146 | AFE | Raise grade for quite a distance to avoid future delays cause by floods | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Stock yard | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03247 | 1916-0166 | AFE | Add lights and drainage to all three stock yards | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Yard gong | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03270 | 1916-0178 | AFE | Yard telephone gong to eliminate need to send clerks to find switchmen | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Selah | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03339 | 1916-0135 | AFE | Upgrade to electric lights in depot, includes comparison w/ kerosene | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03341 | 1916-0141 | AFE | Extending surface between tracks | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Upham | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03346 | 1916-0184 | AFE | Remove 2048' of Cascade Lbr spur, leave access to Cabin Creek mill | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Teanaway (Casway) | Shed | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03348 | 1916-0188 | AFE | Shelter shed for passengers and freight at Cascade lbr spur, called Casway | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03349 | 1916-0191 | AFE | Widen the depots bay window to allow spacing between operator and order signal levers | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Ravensdale | Overhead x-ing | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03350 | 1916-0181 | AFE | Overhead crossing (bridge) for Black Diamond - Maple Valley highway, defray costs bourn by King County | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Maywood | Remove depot | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03392 | 1916-0193 | AFE | Official write off of depot (section house?) destroyed by fire | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Heating | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03434 | 1916-0215 | AFE | Use steam x round house to replace stoves that represent fire haz in store house | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Martin | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1916-03451 | 1916-0204 | AFE | Disconnect and move living quarters away from the tunnel portal, and expand them | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00124 | 1917-0002 | AFE | Remove Rose Marshal spur due to lack of business | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Nagrom | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00157 | 1917-0012 | AFE | Existing turn out for Morgan Lbr offically accounted for | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Hot Springs | Extn spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00158 | 1917-0019 | AFE | 32' extension to Hot Springs Wood and Post spur | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Maywood | Extd team track | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00159 | 1917-0022 | AFE | 323' extension of team track laid in 1911 is offically herein accounted for | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Ice house | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00278 | 1916-0123 | AFE | Install shafts and electric hoists to handle ice | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Drink fount | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00281 | 1917-0009 | AFE | Drinking fountain in depot | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Double toilet | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00283 | 1917-0011 | AFE | Improved capacity for labor force | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Kanaskat | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00369 | 1917-0027 | AFE | Connect depot with Puget Sound Light and Power to remove fire hazard | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Extra track | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00686 | 1917-0061 | AFE | Additional track, crossovers, etc.(RFA's 9 & 75 not approved) | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Bridge & Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00711 | | AFE | Bridge, trestle & culvert work | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Bridge & Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00713 | 1917-0067 | AFE | Bridge & culvert work | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Hot Springs | Telephone | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00774 | 1917-0053 | AFE | Accounting for telephone booth that was actually placed 3 years earlier | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Bristol | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00775 | 1917-0056 | AFE | Remove decayed water tank / transport water from Dudley | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1917-00779 | 1917-0071 | AFE | 400' section where ballast has disappeared to receive crushed rock | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Kanaskat | Water fount | TAC | 01 | | 1917-01046 | 1917-0032 | AFE | Install drinking fountain for passengers | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Kanasket - Covington | Bank widening | TAC | 01 | | 1917-01277 | 1916-0199 | AFE | and reballasting | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ravensdale | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02092 | 1917-0084 | AFE | Remove powder house spur and siding #2 of NW Improvement siding | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Kountze | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02156 | 1917-0081 | AFE | Additional culvert instead of larger one | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Cinder track | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02205 | 1917-0091 | AFE | Create new cinder track 600' in length - saves money & fills low spot | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02445 | 1916-0206 | AFE | Replaced Wollhaupter & Glyndon type with standard plates | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Extd sidings | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02521 | 1917-0102 | AFE | Extend siding tracks 4 & 5 by 2544' to handle 99 car consist | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Thorp | Extd P track | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02522 | 1917-0103 | AFE | 1277' extension to west bound passing track to allow 99 car consists | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | East Auburn | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02527 | 1917-0049 | AFE | Remove two 155' steel beams and replace with trestle crossing former channel of the White River | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Sewer hook up | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02550 | 1917-0101 | AFE | Connect depot to city sewer line | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Snow shed | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02551 | 1917-0105 | AFE | Install guard rails so derailed cars don't collaspse snow shed supports | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Water Supply | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02553 | 1917-0108 | AFE | Spring dried up, so this authorized a connection to Tacoma water | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Easton | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02555 | 1917-0110 | AFE | Rearrange wye tail and extend Wescott spur 75' | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Wynaco | ROW fencing | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02575 | 1917-0104 | AFE | 2.7 miles of additional fencing | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Martin | Water supply | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02576 | 1917-0106 | AFE | Move water intake box further up hillside to increase flow and add service to the residences | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Pomona | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02675 | 1917-0100 | AFE | Remove Cascade Lbr spur | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Upham | Remove depot | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02718 | 1917-0117 | AFE | Remove old depot/telegraph office. Double track made it unecessary | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Borup | Remove depot | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02719 | 1917-0118 | AFE | Remove old depot as double track to Stampede is now in place | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Valuation record | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02721 | 1917-0120 | AFE | Create record of improvements previously made but not documented | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Easton - Lester | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02804 | | AFE | ABS installation | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02806 | 1917-0122 | AFE | A second long spur line for Page Lbr | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02887 | 1917-0128 | AFE | Remove Cle Elum Coal'ssiding "B" | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Water Service | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02945 | 1917-0130 | AFE | Water service for section gang bunk cars instead of them using nearby surface water | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Thorp | Well | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02947 | 1917-0132 | AFE | Dig 20' well to supply water for station | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Baker | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1917-02985 | 1917-0133 | AFE | Protection for bridge 28 | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Humphrey | Remove quarry spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03029 | 1917-0136 | AFE | Remove 2144' quarry, outfit car and derrick spur tracks | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Upham | Crossover | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03048 | 1917-0140 | AFE | Install crossover to use "outside" track when bankside track is blocked by snow | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Block signals | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03072 | 1917-0116 | AFE | Move east end signal so that yard loco's tripping it don't stop W bound traffic, needlessly, at Thrall | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Kountze | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03124 | 1917-0123 | AFE | Remove only 400' / allowing 800' to remain | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | North Yakima | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03140 | 1917-0068 | AFE | Replace timber trestling with 2-39' deck plate girder spans + concrete bent | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03223 | 1917-0164 | AFE | Install support bracing for turntable shed's roof | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03264 | 1917-0181 | AFE | Spur built for Jones Bros, Assigned to Speas Mftr.in 1929, Dispute 1958 | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Scale deck | TAC | 01 | | 1917-03355 | 1917-0170 | AFE | Replace wooden deck on track scale with one of steel | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Rearrange | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00000 | 1918-0007 | AFE | Moving telegraph office to 2nd floor to accomadate fruit stand | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00026 | 1918-0004 | AFE | Scale for LCL freight | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Covington | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00159 | 1918-0006 | AFE | Request for spur to service C.W.Nessly - canceled | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg - Cle Elum | Rail anchors | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00164 | 1918-0009 | AFE | Replacement | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Womens rest room | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00201 | 1918-0010 | AFE | Construct restroom for engine house's "female help" / lack of males caused company to hire WW1 | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00225 | 1918-0105 | AFE | Triple valve test rack | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Thorp | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00225 | 1918-0015 | AFE | Phased removal and replacement of abutments of two spans that were compromised by the Yakima River overflowing in December 1917 | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Soaking vat | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00391 | 1918-0113 | AFE | Soaking vat for waste accumulated in oil house (bearing journal waste) | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Hot Springs | Channel | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00420 | 1918-0016 | AFE | 250' long ditch to divert run off away for ROW into Rock Creek | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | East Auburn | Bridge walkway | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00428 | 1918-0032 | AFE | Walk and railing along bridge for safety of trainmen during switching operations | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Thorp - Upham | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00579 | | AFE | Riprap | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Borup | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00584 | 1918-0047 | AFE | Repairing wing wall of culvert to avoid a washout | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Lester - Palmer Jct. | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00672 | 1918-0037 | AFE | Riprap | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Planking | TAC | 01 | | 1918-00733 | 1918-0044 | AFE | Use of timber instead of paving, between tracks for 5th St. crossover | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | East Auburn | Concrete plant | TAC | 01 | | 1918-01018 | 1918-ED20 | AFE | Additional facilities at at Auburn Concrete Plant (Company business?) | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02075 | 1918-0043 | AFE | Shelter for telegrah maintainers car and supplies. Canceled by feds | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Teanaway (Casway) | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02111 | 1918-0065 | AFE | Replace bridge washed out in Dec. of '17 with 36' reinforced concrete culvert | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02114 | 1918-0071 | AFE | Reroute electric supply line for engine house & coal dock OFF of the eves of the round house / freezing steam accumulated and had cut them during winter months in the past | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Pomona | Telegraph | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02152 | 1918-0085 | AFE | Add to telegraph office and a sleeping porch to a bunk house | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Thorp - Dudley | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02164 | 1918-0045 | AFE | Repair damage that occurred during December 1917 flooding | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Easton Depot area | Hotel | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02191 | 1918-0077 | AFE | Rearrange section house to provide "hotel" facilities for crews after fire levels commercial hotel | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Stampede | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02313 | 1918-0083 | AFE | Throw track and adjust switches | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Henry's Switch | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02438 | 1918-0073 | AFE | 320' spur for Neukirchen Bros.saw mill on Lake Sawyer | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Henry's Switch | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02463 | 1918-0085 | AFE | Reinforced concrete culvert | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02464 | | AFE | Wood box replacement with concrete pipe | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Extd cinder pit | TAC | 01 | | 1918-02468 | 1918-0110 | AFE | 60' extention to cinder pit | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Hillside - Roza | Remove signal | TAC | 01 | | 1918-2489 | 1918-0110 | AFE | Remove tonnage signal | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Baldi | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1918-S-281 | 1918-0246 | AFE | Double signal maintainers house | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Bristol | Gas store tank | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00044 | 1919-0115 | AFE | 100 gallon gasoline storage tank for section gang's motor car | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Upham | Telephone | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00045 | 1919-0118 | AFE | Install telephonebooth next to crossover to contact Martin or dispatcher | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Kanaskat | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00148 | 1918-0117 | AFE | 80' extension to transfer platorm | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00169 | 1919-0005 | AFE | Replace 492' of 56# ash pit track | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Derail | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00297 | 1919-0035 | AFE | Relocate Hayes derail unit to level ground | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Selah | Stock chute | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00344 | 1919-0047 | AFE | Build a double deck stock chute | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00403 | 1919-0027 | AFE | Reinforce floor beams of bridge #75 | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00404 | 1919-0029 | AFE | Reinforce floor beams of bridge #74 | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Baker | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00405 | 1919-0014 | AFE | Reinforce floor beams on bridge 30 | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Wynaco | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00411 | 1919-0012 | AFE | Add gusset plates to bridge span to strenghten it | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Stampede | Signs | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00700 | 1919-0054 | AFE | (double track) Clearance Post signs for Stampede and Martin | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Stampede | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1919-00708 | 1919-0059 | AFE | Relocate the stand pipe to a position less vulnerable to slids | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Casway | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1919-01005 | | AFE | Relay rail with 90#. | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02068 | 1919-0051 | AFE | Portable gravity baggage conveyor | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Yakima Depot | Rearrange | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02111 | | AFE | Make room for claim agent office | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Kanaskat | Switch | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02260 | 1919-0068 | AFE | Lamps for the switches in the yard | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Umtanum | Well | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02261 | 1919-0088 | AFE | Well for signal maintainers domicile | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Easton Depot area | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02385 | 1919-0074 | AFE | 12' x10' "lean to" addition to agent family's car body residence. Will be used as a kitchen. | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Relocate switch | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02416 | 1919-0078 | AFE | Move switch 99' E, away from depot for safety | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Easton | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02453 | 1919-0083 | AFE | 60' extension to oil spur line to accommodate Cascade Lbr (they pay costs) | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02484 | 1919-0099 | AFE | Remove Sandberg spur, originally installed for Lucas - 1311' | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02490 | 1919-0085 | AFE | Extend auto spur to store engines and allow cinder dumping | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Thrall | Platform | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02569 | 1919-0132 | AFE | Extend and provide shed for freight operations | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Easton Depot area | Water supply | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02697 | 1919-0100 | AFE | Improving water supply and attaching a 50' fire hose to protect hotel | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Lockers | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02722 | 1919-0104 | AFE | 8 Lockers for trainmen to be installed in their building which is separate from the station | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Covington | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1919-02840 | 1918-0102 | AFE | 700' spur to serve Western Washington Land & Irrigation | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Yakima Depot | Pavement | TAC | 01 | | 1919-10167 | | AFE | Assessment for Macadam surfacing at 3rd Ave and Broadway | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Thrall | Extd siding | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00148 | 1920-0086 | AFE | Extend E-bound siding 1905' (?) | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Umtanum | Extd siding | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00149 | 1920-0087 | AFE | Extend E-bound siding 1905' | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00606 | 1920-0049 | AFE | Protection for bridge 100, across the Green River | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Sewer hook up | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00609 | 1920-0024 | AFE | Install toilet, sink and drinking fountain in yard office | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00635 | head engr | AFE | purchase of 4 tool tie tamping machine to handle rock ballast | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00638 | head engr | AFE | A second machine, this one charged to another account, possible transfer of assests from Seattle | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Casway - Cle Elum | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00688 | | AFE | Replace 85# or Bessemer with 90# OPEN HEARTH | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Thorp - Upham | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00689 | | AFE | Riprap | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Drain water | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00905 | 1920-0092 | AFE | Effort to drain caustic water that was adversely effecting the track in the tunnel for years | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Selah | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00922 | 1920-0043 | AFE | Extend Growers Service spur 400' | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Baldi | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1920-00925 | 1920-0017 | AFE | Create internal run around track within Green River Lbr's spur line | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Selah | T O signal | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01006 | 1920-0079 | AFE | Install a train order signal | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | North Yakima | Order Signal | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01137 | 1920-0050 | AFE | Install train order signal at east end of yard at new telegraph office | Sub1-B | 01-06-01-34A | |
| | Martin | Building | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01215 | 1920-0041 | AFE | 17' addition to the section bunk house and plumb for water | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Kanaskat | Section house | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01217 | 1920-0158 | AFE | Bunk and section houses for Green River Branch | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Lester Roundhouse | Cinder pit | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01387 | 1920-0000 | AFE | Repair cinder pit (not a full file) | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Wymer | Extend P track | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01444 | 1920-0089 | AFE | Extend passing track 781' | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Teanaway (Casway) | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01452 | 1920-0037 | AFE | Remove "Younger" spur | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Extd spur | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01453 | 1920-0050 | AFE | Open second end of "auto" track with a 288' extension | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Yakima Depot | Rearrange | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01474 | | AFE | Remodel baggage room | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Nelson | New depot | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01508 | 1920-0072 | AFE | Replace depot and coal shed destroyed earlier in year by fire | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Easton | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1920-01691 | 1920-0057 | AFE | Remove spur for Cacade Lbr except 300' to be left for cinder disposal | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Easton Roundhouse | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00163 | 1921-0021 | AFE | Install shutters on northside windows to prevent breakage during operation of rotary snow plow | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00521 | | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Lemolo | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00521 | 1921-0004 | AFE | Replace wood box culvert with 36" concrete pipe | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Lemolo | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00522 | 1921-0003 | AFE | Replace wood box culvert with 36" concrete pipe | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Humphrey | Culvert | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00523 | 1921-0000 | AFE | Replace 56' of 24" vitrified pipe with reinforced concrete pipe | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00526 | 1921-0020 | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Power upgrade | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00599 | 1921-0028 | AFE | Install tower and platform to receive 6600 volt transformer supplied by city. Upgrade power supply to facility | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00669 | 1921-0027 | AFE | Replace tie plates not afforded under previous AFE - 959 of 19'20 | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00672 | 1921-ED36 | AFE | Replace 85# with 90# 1.42 miles leading into the wye including 6 turnouts | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00673 | 1921-ED37 | AFE | Replace 85# with 90# on both legs of the wye | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Nelson - Kanasket | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00708 | 1921-0076 | AFE | Ballasting & bank widening | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Rep T T motor | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00796 | 1921-0032 | AFE | Replace electric turn table motor after 9 years of service | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Wynaco | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00934 | 1918-0104 | AFE | Complete removal of Howard spur | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1921-00988 | 1921-0044 | AFE | Anchoring the deck on the track scales so as to assure accurate readings | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Cabin Creek | Shelter/shed | TAC | 01 | | 1921-01036 | 1921-0070 | AFE | 8' x 14' Shelter/shed for Cabin Creek Lumber mill spur | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Cabin Creek | Derail | TAC | 01 | | 1921-01037 | 1921-0038 | AFE | Install derail to protect main line from stray cars x Cabin Creek mill | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Calculater | TAC | 01 | | 1921-01149 | 1921-0055 | AFE | Purchase one (1) Daly Standard Train Resistance Computing Machine | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Coal plant | TAC | 01 | | 1921-01210 | 1921-0057 | AFE | Take over ownership and operation of NW Improvement Co. coal handling plant | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Special toilet | TAC | 01 | | 1921-01221 | 1921-0057 | AFE | Construct new toilet building to include concrete vault | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Kanaskat | Test bores | TAC | 01 | | 1921-07030 | 1921-0108 | AFE | Drilling test holes to asess gravel deposite (file attached behind AFE 7029) | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Lester Depot | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1922-00233 | 1922-0030 | AFE | Install indoor plumbing in roadmasters house (Second RFA) | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Lester - Palmer Jct. | Riprap | TAC | 01 | | 1922-00537 | | AFE | Riprap | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1922-00766 | 1922-0013 | AFE | Rewire yard office building that was originally used as a lunch counter | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Eagle Gorge | Extd depot | TAC | 01 | | 1922-00851 | 1922-0015 | AFE | 20' x 16' extension to depot to provide for a womens waiting room | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Selah | Drinking Fount | TAC | 01 | | 1922-01257 | 1922-0061 | AFE | Hook up to city water supply and install a drinking fountain | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Stampede | Section house | TAC | 01 | | 1922-01363 | 1922-0022 | AFE | Errect 12 man bunk house at old Stampede to replace section house destroyed by fire 1-25-22 | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Fence | TAC | 01 | | 1922-01875 | 1922-0157 | AFE | install woven wire fence along Railroad Ave. to comply with '06 agreement | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Kanaskat | Gravel spur | TAC | 01 | | 1922-07029 | 1922-0111 | AFE | 5,678' track to access new gravel pit | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Yakima Depot | Ice house | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00150 | | AFE | 3 ton unit for the station | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Martin | Bridge | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00288 | 1923-MFC | AFE | Repair / upgrade strength of Bridge #46 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Covington | Gas tank | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00291 | 1923-0030 | AFE | Gas tank to service motor car | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Gas tank | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00291 | 1923-0030 | AFE | Gas tank to service motor car FIND FILE under Covington | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00318 | 1923-0031 | AFE | Extend the freight house platform by 100' | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Selah | Water service | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00339 | 1923-0029 | AFE | Hook up to city water supply to provide water to the section & bunk houses | Sub1-C | 01-06-01-56A | |
| | Shoskin | Bank widening | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00355 | 1923-0021 | AFE | Construct earthen embankment at overhead crossing of the C.M.St.P. & P. | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Indio - Ellensburg | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00473 | 1923-0019 | AFE | Relay rail with 90# 7.84 miles | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Hot Springs | Remove depot | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00547 | 1923-0039 | AFE | Remove remains of depot distroyed by fire in 1922 | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Yakima Depot | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00901 | 1023-0046 | AFE | Repair wiring and install transformer | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Bryd | Raise P track | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00905 | 1923-0047 | AFE | Raise level of 3,625' passing track 14" to par with main line using lester cinders | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Henry's Switch | Raise P track | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00905 | 1923-0087 | AFE | Raise level of 5685' of two sets of passing tracks 12" to par with main line using cinders from Lester | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Bristol, Easton & Humphrey | Motor cars | TAC | 01 | | 1923-00970 | 1923-0050 | AFE | For section gang use at each location | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01007 | | AFE | Removal of Goldie type | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01008 | 1923-0131 | AFE | Replacing Goldie and damaged | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Bristol, Easton & Humphrey | Gas tanks | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01133 | | AFE | 100 gal units for each location | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01206 | 1923-2561 | AFE | Purchase and install cut-off saw at car repair "track" (shop?) | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Maywood - Kanasket | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01324 | 1923-0169 | AFE | Upgrade material used at curved sections to 100# & 130# stock | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01336 | | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Kanasket - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01353 | 1923-0170 | AFE | Upgrade material used at curved sections to 100# & 130# stock | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Covington | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01379 | 1923-0082 | AFE | 600' spur off WWL&I spur for Evergreen Valley Lbr Co. | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Equipment | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01406 | 1923-2600 | AFE | Relocate rip saw and wet & dry grinder at car repair shop | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01467 | 1923-0091 | AFE | 123' new spur to service Union Oil. (New cut in Std Oil spur) | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | Steam line | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01524 | 1923-0102 | AFE | Set up system to supply steam heat to Pullman from the rd house because the Baker stoves on the cars had been removed | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Steam line | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01524 | 1923-0102 | AFE | Steam connection for emergency use to Pullman cars | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Covington | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1923-01685 | 1923-0122 | AFE | 664' spur for Ralph Hawley - canceled | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Humphrey | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1923-07001 | 1923-0008 | AFE | Remove quarry spur that was constructed in 1918, AFE 1091 | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Lester - Kennedy | MOW work | TAC | 01 | | 1924 | | AFE | Emergency repairs to banks | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Bryd | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1924-00270 | 1924-0001 | AFE | Spur for Lake Sawyer Lbr | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1924-00657 | 1924-0029 | AFE | Upgrade material used at curved sections to 100# & 130# stock | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Stampede Tunnel (#3) | Steam to electric | TAC | 01 | | 1924-01606 | 1924-ED10 | AFE | Wire vent plant into "grid" to replace need for steam generation | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Kanaskat | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1925-00006 | 1925-0152 | AFE | Repair and resize umbrella shed to 126' in length | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Hot Springs | Remove spurs | TAC | 01 | | 1925-00120 | 1924-0186 | AFE | Remove 1394' house spur and lead, and 461' stock yard spur | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Stampede - Lester | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1925-00611 | 1925-0182 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Covington | Train order signal | TAC | 01 | | 1925-00639 | 1925-0057 | AFE | New train order signal | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Coal crane | TAC | 01 | | 1925-01222 | 1925-0000 | AFE | Enlarge cab of traveling coal crane and modify wiring | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Maywood | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1925-01365 | 1925-0134 | AFE | Twin leads to spur track of the Scott & Howe Timber Co. | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Martin | Water tank | TAC | 01 | | 1925-01483 | 1925-0149 | AFE | Replace 7,700 gallon water tank that was installed in 1909 | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Ravensdale | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1925-01706 | 1925-0183 | AFE | Final removal of all rails serving this NWI / Pacific Coast Coal processing location. Correspondence with ND Mason of PCC plus 1908 drawings of site | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Baldi | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1925-01741 | 1925-0025 | AFE | Replace 1152' of 56# rail with 90# | Sub1-K | 01-06-02-34B | |
| | Dudley - Palmer Jct | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1925-07007 | | AFE | Relay Rail | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Extra Blgs, Yard, Spurs | New clock | TAC | 01 | | 1925-548 U | | AFE | Purchase one clock (cover sheet only for this file) | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Hot Springs | Remove stk yd | TAC | 01 | | 1926-00049 | 1925-0213 | AFE | Remove stock yard | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Covington | Wig wag | TAC | 01 | | 1926-00703 | 1926-0023 | AFE | Wig wag signal and crossing sign | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Thorp | Remove spur | TAC | 01 | | 1926-00926 | 1926-0070 | AFE | Remove ice pond track | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Yakima | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1926-01161 | 1926-0050 | AFE | Spokane Oil & Refining (susequently assigned to Richfield) | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Martin | Coal shed | TAC | 01 | | 1926-01180 | 1926-0103 | AFE | Replace 7' x 10' coal/oil shed with 9' x 20' unit so supplies will hold up in winter | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Teanaway | Remove depot | TAC | 01 | | 1926-01275 | 1926-0112 | AFE | Remove old depot, privy and coal shed (MP 21, engineering Sta 7804+66 5 | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Thorp | Retire pond | TAC | 01 | | 1926-01618 | 1926-0144 | AFE | Remove spillway, flood gate and return slopes to landscapeS | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Yakima Depot | Pavement | TAC | 01 | | 1926-01733 | 1926-1044 | AFE | Assessment for Macadam surfacing north 7th street | Sub1-A | 01-06-01-12A | |
| | Covington | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1926-01815 | 1926-0174 | AFE | Install electric service to depot and section house | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Maywood - Baldi | Bank widening | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00112 | 1926-0183 | AFE | Bank Widening | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Bryd - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00113 | 1926-0175 | AFE | Upgrade material used at curved sections to 100# | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Bryd - Auburn | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00253 | 1927-0010 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Wymer - Umtanum | Wheel lube device | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00369 | | AFE | Proposal to install a "Derrick" Flange Oiler unit manufactured by the Maintenance Equipment Co. | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Eagle Gorge - Palmer Jct | Wheel lube device | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00370 | 1927-0004 | AFE | Derrick Flange Oiler | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Kanaskat | Outfit car track | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00402 | 1927-0020 | AFE | Make outfit car track permanent. Track originally installed in AFE 10097-19. | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Kanaskat | Scale | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00584 | 1927-0055 | AFE | Replace wood weight bridge unit with steel unit on scale track | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Nelson | Rearrange track | TAC | 01 | | 1927-00832 | 1927-0078 | AFE | Remove 4008' of passing trk (N of main line). Extend WB passing trk (S. of main line) | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Turntable | TAC | 01 | | 1927-01037 | 1927-0065 | AFE | Replace 85' unit with 115' unit to handle larger engines | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Remove track | TAC | 01 | | 1927-01470 | 1927-0124 | AFE | Remove 346' off the end of a former log dump spur for Miller Lumber | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | East Auburn | Switch | TAC | 01 | | 1927-01727 | 1927-0159 | AFE | Spring switch to convert stub track to second track of Tacoma leg of the wye | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Borup - Lemolo | Hazard alert | TAC | 01 | | 1927-01749 | 1927-0165 | AFE | Rock slide detector fencing | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Cle Elum Depot & Facilities | Engine tracks | TAC | 01 | | 1927-01770 | 1927-0164 | AFE | Rearrange engine tracks, removing switch and extra work | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Bryd - Auburn | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00033 | 1927-0192 | AFE | Upgrade material used at curved sections to 100# & 130# stock | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Bristol - Palmer Jct | Relay rail | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00136 | 1927-0195 | AFE | Relay Rail | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Palmer Jct. - Auburn | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00308 | 1927-0182 | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | Tie plates | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00369 | | AFE | Tie Plates | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Ellensburg Depot | Stand pipe | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00493 | 1928-0146 | AFE | New stand pipe near depot | Sub1-D | 01-06-01-12B | |
| | Shoskin - Cle Elum | Ballasting | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00504 | 1928-0013 | AFE | Ballasting | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Lester Depot | Steam heat | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00643 | 1928-0014 | AFE | Steam heat in depot | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Ravensdale | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00701 | 1928-0002 | AFE | Install electric lights in, and service to depot, section house and bunk house | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | Ellensburg - Palmer Jct | MOW work | TAC | 01 | | 1928-00874 | | AFE | Intensive seasonal maintenance of way work | Gen1-A | 01-05-03-56B | |
| | Cle Elum Commercial | Remove track | TAC | 01 | | 1928-01323 | 1928-0000 | AFE | 4572' of track removed representing spurs for the Independent Mine and Summit mine operations | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Lester | Add track | TAC | 01 | | 1929-00504 | | AFE | Relay 100# | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Ellensburg Roundhouse | Remodel | TAC | 01 | | 1929-00768 | 1929-0076 | AFE | Dismantle 5 stalls of old 15 stall roundhouse | Sub1-E | 01-06-01-34B | |
| | Easton Depot area | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1929-00815 | 1929-0001 | AFE | Install electric lights in various buildings | Sub1-G | 01-06-02-12A | |
| | Lester Depot | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1929-00819 | 1929-0086 | AFE | Large file concerning putting NP's facilities in Lester on Puget Powers grid | Sub1-J | 01-06-02-12B | |
| | Stampede | Electric lights | TAC | 01 | | 1929-00827 | 1929-0077 | AFE | Electric lights to residences | Sub1-I | 01-06-02-56A | |
| | Martin | Water supply | TAC | 01 | | 1929-01360 | 1929-0119 | AFE | Improve water supply to the section house by co-op effort with Mountaineers | Sub1-H | 01-06-02-34A | |
| | Eagle gorge - Lemlo | Tunnel | TAC | 01 | | 1929-01507 | 1929-0134 | AFE | Increase clearance on tunnel #7 | Gen1-B | 01-05-04-56A | |
| | Palmer Jct. | Remove crane | TAC | 01 | | 1929-02846 | 1920-0016 | AFE | Remove mail crane | Sub1-L | 01-06-02-56B | |
| | East Auburn | Abandon water | TAC | 01 | | 1929-0464A | 1929-0034 | AFE | Abandon 3+ mile long gravity feed wooden water supply line from Little Soos Creek | Sub1-M | 01-06-03-12A | |
| | Casway | Add track | Tac | 01 | 07700+37 | 1930-00012 | 1929-0147 | AFE | Relay curve using 100# rail to replace existing 90# rail | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | First Sub General | Add track | TAC | 01 | | 1930-00102 | 1930-0148 | AFE | Relay curves Palmer Junction to Auburn 90# to 100 & 130# | Sub-1-GNL | 02-09-02-56B | |
| | Dudley | Cmrl spur | TAC | 01 | | 1930-00508 | 1930-0030 | AFE | 252' interchange track with Cascade Lumber's tracks | Sub1-F | 01-06-01-56B | |
| | Dudley | Add track | Tac | 01 | 07225+69 | 1930-00508 | 1930-0030 | AFE | Two interchange tracks and a connection to the Cascade Lumber Co.tracks | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Lester | Remove track | TAC | 01 | | 1930-00640 | 1930-0048 | AFE | Remove portion of fuel oil station spur | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
| | Casway | Bridge | Tac | 01 | 07709+75 | 1930-01015 | | AFE | Fill bridge #19 on 48" RCP | Sub-1-1 | 02-09-03-12B | |
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