Count= 47881
CJSeattle & Puget SoundWAFireman5/2/191119111918 NP Seattle and Puget Sound Div Seniority List
Died 10/16/1933.
CharlesJohnTacomaSeattleWATool Checker05/02/191119111933 NPRy Personnel Records
Died 10/16/1933.
NATacomaTacomaWACar Repairer1940 Tacoma WA City Directory
NKSt. Paul (West)Telegrapher3/22/1955195514371963-1967 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
A Relay DivisionTelegrapher11/26/1945194524551946-1951 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
T Relay DivisionNon-member11/26/19451945*1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
AlfredJIdaho (East)CommunicationsSpokaneWATelegrapher, Late Night Chief10/27/1945 (11/26/1945)194524551946-1948 Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1953 NPry Personnel Records
AJIdaho (East)Non-member10/27/19451945*1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
RaymondCRocky MountainBrakeman5/4/190419041937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
RaymondClarenceRocky MountainMissoulaMTConductor7/8/190819081937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs., 1956 NPry Personnel Records
Retired 02/29/1956.
WesleyWRocky MountainLivingstonMTStore Laborer1946 Livingston MT City Directory
GWRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist3/1/195819581971 NP Rocky Mtn Div Machinists
RCRocky MountainBrakeman5/4/190419041951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
RCRocky MountainConductor7/8/190819081951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
RaymondClarenceRocky MountainMissoulaMTConductor05/04/190419041956 NPRy Personnel Records
Retired 2/29/1956.
DominickPacificStampedeWALaborer1912 11/07 Tacoma Times
Overcome by exhaust fumes in Stampede tunnel
JacobFargoJamestownNDWig-Wag Operator04/01/191319131940 NP Personnel Records
Retired 02/01/1931. Died 07/29/1940.
CecilHaroldTacomaWAFireman5/14/194519451948-1953 NP Tacoma Div, Seattle Dist Seniority List
HarryAbrahamTransportationSt. PaulMNAsst. General Supt. Transportation5/10/189818981947 NPRy Personnel Records
Retired 06/01/1947.
HarryAbrahamSt. PaulMNGeneral Car Service Agent w. Transportation Dept.1944 NPRy Personnel Records
MontanaHomestakeMTBridge Carpenter1895 10/19 Avant Courier (Bozeman)
RobertJohnsnonRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist05/10/190619061949 NP Personnel Records
Retired 01/01/1949.
MelkonFargoJamestownNDSection Laborer02/14/191819181948 NP Personnel Records
Died 12/12/1947.
AATacoma (East)Telegrapher12/3/1945194525001946-1947 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
AATacoma (East)Telegrapher12/3/1945194526031948 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
ConradOliverLake SuperiorDuluthMNEngineer02/08/193719371952 NP Personnel Records
Died in boiler explosion, Eng. No. 1570 at Maple WI 02/26/1952.
HelenATacoma (West)Non-member12/12/19451945*1946 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Joe MontanaHomestakeMTBridge Carpenter1895 10/16 Butte Miner
OliverCharlesLake Superior - Second Sub-DivisionDuluthMNEngineer08/01/190619061928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390, 1958 NPry Personnel Records
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928. Retired 11/01/1958.
OliverCLake SuperiorDuluthMNEngineer1939 Duluth MN City Directory
OttoLake Superior - First Sub-DivisionDuluthMNEngineer11/29/190119011928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928
DSRocky MountainBrakeman8/24/193619361961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
DSRocky MountainConductor4/3/194119411961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
DSRocky MountainBrakeman8/25/193619361951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
DSRocky MountainConductor4/3/194119411951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
DSRocky MountainMissoulaMTBrakeman1938 Missoula MT City Directory
HCRocky MountainTelegrapher12/28/194419446801946-1950, 1963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Anderson ?
HMontanaMTEngineman08/7/190919091980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1911
DLIdaho (East)Telegrapher6/17/1952195211451963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
DLConsolidated Seniority Roster––IdahoTelegrapher2/1/1965196511451967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
FRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1940 NPRy Personnel Records
FredRocky MountainFireman8/29/190519051937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
FredRocky MountainEngineer7/9/191019101937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
FredRocky MountainEngineer1930 NP Rocky Mtn Div List of Qualified Engineers
Engineers who will be used to handle thru main line passenger trains.
FredRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1928 NPRy Personnel Records
GeorgeWilliamIdahoFireman2/10/191719171921 NP Idaho Div Roster
Suspended 5/24/1921
RFSt. Paul (West)Telegrapher11/10/1958195814041963-1967 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
AWSeattleDispatcher6/19/19121912†5711931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
AWTacoma (East)Dispatcher6/19/19121912†3571932-1943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
AustinWebsterTacoma (East)TacomaWAChief Dispatcher6/19/1912 (06/18/1912)1912††3571946-1951 Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1956 NPry Personnel Records
Retired 08/01/1956.
AW3571942-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
AW1231963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
JTTacoma (East)Telegrapher5/9/1939193917411942 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JJTacoma (East)Dispatcher5/9/19391939†17411943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JJTacoma (East)Dispatcher5/9/193919391946-1951 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JJTacoma (East)Promoted Non-member5/9/19391939#———1963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JJConsolidated Seniority Roster TacomaPromoted Non-member2/1/19651965#———1967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
FRRocky MountainBonitaMTSection Foreman1901, 1905 Missoula MT City Directories
WilliamThomasIdaho (West)AthenaORTelegrapher, Agent - Telegrapher8/26/191919198921933-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1955 NPry Personnel Records
Retired 08/31/1955.
WTPascoTelegrapher8/26/1919191921891931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
WTPascoTelegrapher8/26/191919198921932 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
WT8921946-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
WT2741963 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
EEFargo (West)Telegrapher12/17/1952195210841963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
EEConsolidated Seniority Roster--FargoTelegrapher2/1/1965196510841967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
BenjaminHarrisonRocky MountainLivingstonMTSupplyman07/11/194519451946 NP Personnel Records
BettyKMontanaBillingsMTStenographer01/23/191619161916 NPRy Personnel Records
CharlesQuincyRocky MountainVariousMTNon-member, Extra Telegrapher9/10/19421942*1943-1946 Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1944 NPry Personnel Records
CarlStephenSt. PaulNorthtownMNEngineer06/05/190519051957 NPRy Personnel Records
Retired 09/01/1957.
DanielMorrisonIdaho (East)Brakeman11/9/190219021936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA, 1953 NPry Personnel Records
Retired 09/22/1949. Died 10/18/1953.
EmmetteLeoIdahoParkwaterWAFireman04/09/191019101922 09/08 East Oregonian (Pendleton)
Killed when No. 41 struck work train
EJMontanaLivingstonMTEngineer1904 01/01 Missoulian
Voluntarily transferred to Rocky Mountain Division
EJRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1928 NPRy Personnel Records
EdwardJRocky MountainEngineer10/16/190219021937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
EdwardJRocky MountainEngineer1930 NP Rocky Mtn Div List of Qualified Engineers
Engineers who will be used to handle thru main line passenger trains. Qualified to handle Class "A" power.
GA451931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
GA321932-1943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
GCTacomaAuburnWAElectrician Helper8/25/195819581962 NP Tacoma Div Diesel House List
HCTacomaTelegrapher1/2/1921192128171931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HCTacoma (West)Telegrapher1/2/1921192113231932 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HCTacoma (West)Non-member1/2/19211921*1933 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HelenRocky MountainMissoulaMTCook at NP Hospital1938 Missoula MT City Directory
ICRocky MountainBrakeman12/14/194219421961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
ICRocky MountainConductor6/1/195219521961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
ICRocky MountainFreight Brakeman12/14/194219421951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
JWRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist10/14/195719571971 NP Rocky Mtn Div Machinists
JWMontanaMTEngineman10/29/190619061980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1908
JacobAYellowstoneBillingsMTBaggageman1930 Billings MT City Directory
JasRocky MountainButteMTWarehouse Foreman1939 Butte MT City Directory
LWMontanaMTEngineman10/9/194219421980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1948
LesterVernonTacomaWAFireman9/4/194819481950 NP Tacoma Div, Seattle Dist Seniority List
LincolnRelay DivisionTelegrapher10/22/190819081601931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LincolnRelay DivisionTelegrapher10/22/190819081211932-1933 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LloydIdaho (East)Conductor9/17/192019201936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
LloydIdaho (East)Brakeman10/14/191219121936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
LloydIdaho (East) Brakeman10/14/191219121936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
OFMontanaLivingstonMTEngineer1904 01/01 Missoulian
Voluntarily transferred to Rocky Mountain Division
RLRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist Apprentice12/4/196919691971 NP Rocky Mtn Div Machinists
RBMontanaMTEngineman12/7/191619161980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1917
SRTacomaBrakeman12/26/190619061928 Dahl Railway Employees Official Time and Seniority Book
SRTacomaConductor04/20/191019101928 Dahl Railway Employees Official Time and Seniority Book
ThomasBRocky MountainLivingstonMTBoilermaker Helper02/11/194219421943 NP Personnel Records
Killed by switch engine at stockyard crossing.
WAYellowstoneBillingsMTFireman1930 Billings MT City Directory
WLMontanaMTEngineman1/9/191719171980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1917
WPendletonORAgent1922 NPRy Personnel Records
WalterAFormer Montana Fireman10/16/191319131937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
Died 8- -41 o.o. [W. McGee notes]
WalterPacificAberdeen WAAgent1913 08/18 East Oregonian (Pendleton)
WalterPascoPendletonORAgent1913 12/04 East Oregonian (Pendleton)
WalterMRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist1946 Livingston MT City Directory
WilliamFFormer Montana Laurel Yardman8/13/192819281937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
WMontanaMTEngineman10/16/191319131980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1956
WalterARocky MountainLivingstonMTEngineer1946 Livingston MT City Directory
WMontanaMTEngineman09/7/190519051980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1938
WalterFormer Montana Engineer9/7/190519051937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
Retd 1/1/41 [W. McGee notes]
WilliamBRocky MountainDe BorgiaMTConductor1907 01/31 Missoulian
Injured in wreck
WmBRocky MountainFireman8/30/190119011937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
WmBRocky MountainEngineer8/23/190519051937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
WmBRocky MountainEngineer1930 NP Rocky Mtn Div List of Qualified Engineers
Engineers who will be used to handle thru main line passenger trains. Qualified to handle Class "A" power.
WmBRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1938 Missoula MT City Directory
W TRelay DivisionTelegrapher8/9/190519058671931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
W TRelay DivisionTelegrapher8/9/190519054861932-1943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
WT4861942-1943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
RT5641943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
RobertTLake SuperiorWillow RiverMNAgent09/17/191519151923 NPRy Personnel Records
Retired 02/01/1930. Died 01/14/1945.
JOPacificStampedeWABrakeman1912 11/07 Tacoma Times
Overcome by exhaust fumes in Stampede tunnel
DKTacoma (East)Telegrapher3/25/1964196417031967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
DKConsolidated Seniority Roster TacomaTelegrapher2/1/1965196517031967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
DKConsolidated Seniority Roster TacomaTelegrapher2/1/1965196517031968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
DavidEdwardRocky MountainLivingstonMTBlacksmith Helper05/10/194419441945 NP Personnel Records
ErnestFRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist Helper1946 Livingston MT City Directory
GeorgeWRocky MountainLivingstonMTFire Cleaner1946 Livingston MT City Directory
WCRocky MountainEngineer1930 NP Rocky Mtn Div List of Qualified Engineers
Engineers who will be used to handle local passengers, passenger helpers and branch line passenger trains.
WmCRocky MountainFireman2/22/190619061937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
WmCRocky MountainEngineer11/9/191619161937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
CGYellowstoneTelegrapher8/23/1948194828001950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
CGYellowstoneTelegrapher8/23/194819488231963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
WLTacomaSeattleWADrive Box Packer8/5/192419241962 NP Tacoma Div Diesel House List
JGRocky MountainLivingstonMTMachinist9/18/195719571971 NP Rocky Mtn Div Machinists
BJYellowstoneMTWatchman00/00/190419041921 NPRy Personnel Records
Died 08/24/1909.
LJDakotaTelegrapher11/21/191019103101931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LJFargo (West)Telegrapher11/21/191019102171932-1942 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LJ2171942-1943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
StanleyALake SuperiorDuluthMNSwitchman1939 Duluth MN City Directory
RichardLake SuperiorDuluthMNSwitchman08/16/192919291929 NPRy Personnel Records
HermanGRocky MountainFireman5/14/190619061937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
HermanGRocky MountainEngineer4/11/191719171937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
HermanGRocky MountainEngineer1930 NP Rocky Mtn Div List of Qualified Engineers
Engineers who will be used to handle local passengers, passenger helpers and branch line passenger trains.
Kathleen AStewardess-Nurse1962 NPRy Personnel Records
Current or former S-N as of 12/05/1962
MMSt. Paul General Office St. PaulMN For. Rec. Clk for Car Acc't3/25/191819181930 NP St. Paul General Office Mech. Dept. Seniority Roster 1929
HermanGRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1938 Missoula MT City Directory
VRMontanaMTEngineman04/24/194419441980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1949
FloydLake SuperiorBrainerdMNHelper1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
EMMontanaMTEngineman10/24/191919191980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1919
HCLake SuperiorBrainerdMNCarman1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
JohnIdaho (East)Telegrapher10/4/1941194119021942-1943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JohnIdaho (East)Telegrapher10/4/19411941†19021946-1947 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JohnIdaho (East)Telegrapher10/4/1941194127071948 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JohnIdaho (East)Dispatcher10/4/194119411950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JohnIdaho (East)Non-member Promoted10/4/19411941#———1963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JohnConsolidated Seniority Roster––IdahoNon-member Promoted2/1/19651965#———1967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
WRMontanaMTEngineman10/11/190719071980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1908
IraHSt. PaulSt. CloudMNForeman1912 St. Cloud MN City Directory
MJAssigned to Other Duties w. Engineering Department05/00/189918991939 NP Chief Engineer File  5127-A
EdwardLake SuperiorBrainerdMNHandler at Tie Plant1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
ElmerRIdaho (East)Brakeman4/22/191719171936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
EmilRLake SuperiorBrainerdMNThreading Machine Operator08/03/192019201949 NP Personnel Records
Retired 04/02/1949.
EarlJohnLake SuperiorMississippi Street ShopsMNGeneral Foreman01/07/191819181958 NP Personnel Records
Died 12/05/1958.
HCLake SuperiorBrainerdMNHelper1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
WilliamHenryLake SuperiorBrainerdMNMachinist04/12/191319131939 Brainerd MN City Directory
FJRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1943 NPRy Personnel Records
FranzJRocky MountainFireman7/16/190819081937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
FranzJRocky MountainEngineer1/8/191819181937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
FranzJRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1938 Missoula MT City Directory
GRRocky MountainBrakeman2/24/191819181961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
GRRocky MountainConductor3/14/192919291961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
GRRocky MountainBrakeman2/24/191819181951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
GRRocky MountainConductor3/14/192919291951 NP Rocky Mtn Div Conductors in service west of Helena and Butte
GeorgeRRocky MountainBrakeman2/24/191819181937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
GeorgeRRocky MountainConductor3/14/192919291937 Big 5 Railroad Roster, Rocky Mtn and Former Montana Divs
GeorgeRRocky MountainMissoulaMTConductor1938 Missoula MT City Directory
FrankJRocky MountainFireman1930 NP Rocky Mtn Div List of Qualified Engineers
Fireman qualified to handle Class "A" power.
HenryPLake SuperiorBrainerdMNCrane Engineer1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
DoraI DLake SuperiorTelegrapher4/19/1942194219891943 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
DoraI DLake SuperiorNon-member4/19/19421942*1946-1947 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
DoraI DLake SuperiorTelegrapher4/19/1942194226791948-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LucilleLake SuperiorTelegrapher5/10/1942194219821943-1947 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LucilleLake SuperiorTelegrapher5/10/1942194226991948-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
ChasLake Superior - First Sub-DivisionDuluthMNEngineer09/00/189218921946 NP Personnel Records
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928 Retired 09/01/1945. Died 12/31/1945.
ChasLake Superior - Second Sub-DivisionEngineer1928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928
ChasLake Superior - Third Sub-Division - Duluth-St. Paul and branchesEngineer1928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928
GERocky MountainTelegrapher5/19/1958195813851963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
GrahamWLake SuperiorDuluthMNCarman1939 Duluth MN City Directory
FBRocky MountainFireman4/18/194119411961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
FBRocky MountainEngineer5/1/194419441961 Allen Printers Time Book Seniority Roster
SamLStoreSouth TacomaWALumberyard Laborer09/02/192019201942 NP Personnel Records
ClarenceMarionSt. PaulLittle FallsMNSection Foreman09/01/190819081938 NPRy Personnel Records
Retired 07/01/1947.
GeorgeYellowstoneBelfieldNDLaborer1910 Dickinson ND City Directory
AndrewJTacomaEllensburgWACar Repairer, Foreman1931 Ellensburg WA City Directory, 1952 Ellensburg WA City Directory
BrunoRocky MountainLivingstonMTLaborer1946 Livingston MT City Directory
CPMontanaMTEngineman12/26/191619161980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1917
CClarenceLake SuperiorBrainerdMNLabor at Shops1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
FrankCLake SuperiorBrainerdMNGen. Store Foreman04/26/192019201958 NP Personnel Records
Retired 03/31/1958.
JBDakotaJamestownNDCivil Engineer1883 01/19 Jamestown Weekly Alert
JMontanaMTEngineman09/13/191819181980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1920
LeeSLake SuperiorBrainerdMNMetalworker1939 Brainerd MN City Directory
LeonardJosephLake SuperiorBrainerd Store Dept.MNSection Stockman08/26/191819181958 NP Personnel Records
Retired 06/10/1957.
LloydIdaho (East)Conductor8/5/191719171936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
LloydIdaho (East)Brakeman4/14/191019101936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
LloydIdaho (East)Brakeman4/14/191019101936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
LloydAIdahoKootenaiIDBrakeman1916 Kootenai Cty ID City Directory
StanleyCalvinLake SuperiorBrainerdMNGantry Crane Operator at Shops09/20/191819181956 NP Personnel Records
Retired 01/26/1956.
ThomasMechanicalSouth Tacoma ShopsWACar Repairer10/11/192219221940 Tacoma WA City Directory
Died 11/11/1945.
GordonERocky MountainLivingstonMTSwitchman1946 Livingston MT City Directory
HarveyASeattle & Puget SoundWAFireman6/25/191719171918 NP Seattle and Puget Sound Div Seniority List
AHEastern DistrictSt. PaulMNSection Foreman1936 NPRy Personnel Records
SamuelGeorgeRocky MountainLivingstonMTStationary Fireman02/00/192719271947 NP Personnel Records
EthelLTacomaTacoma FreightWAStenographer07/23/191019101948 NP Personnel Records
Retired 01/01/1947. Mrs. Ethel Hardie in 1948.
JMontanaMTEngineman10/29/190619061980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1908
ArthaPTacoma (East)Telegrapher7/11/1944194423191946 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
CharlesBRocky MountainLivingstonMTLaborer1946 Livingston MT City Directory
ChasDRocky MountainMissoulaMTBoiler Foreman1938 Missoula MT City Directory
DavidLouisRocky MountainHelenaMTMachinist  02/12/193519351939 NP Personnel Records
RobertLRocky MountainLivingstonMTLaborer1946 Livingston MT City Directory
THMontanaMTEngineman08/17/195219521980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1953
ArthurJayFargoJamestown FreightNDStockman04/17/191719171942-43 Jamestown ND City Directory
Retired 09/16/1953.
StephenOliverFargoJamestownNDCar Repairer09/22/192219221945 NP Personnel Records
Retired 09/01/1945.
HATacomaAuburnWABlacksmith  Helper4/2/194819481962 NP Tacoma Div Diesel House List
NewellEIdahoEngineer4/27/190719071921 NP Idaho Div Roster
RobertJIdahoFireman12/16/191619161921 NP Idaho Div Roster
RobertJIdahoKootenaiIDApprentice1916 Kootenai Cty ID City Directory
RobertJIdaho (East)Fireman12/16/191619161936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
AlbertWIdaho (East)Fireman4/23/191819181936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
AlbertEIdahoFireman4/23/191319131921 NP Idaho Div Roster
AlbertEmanuelLake SuperiorBrainerdMNMachinist10/20/190819081939 Brainerd MN City Directory
Retired 09/01/1947.
CFTacoma (West)Telegrapher11/29/1944194424021946-1948 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
CEYellowstoneDickinsonNDMaster Mechanic1907 05/04 Dickinson Press
CFMontanaMTEngineman09/16/194819481980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1949
Cecil RYellowstoneBillingsMTCar Cleaner1930 Billings MT City Directory
CharlesLRocky MountainLivingstonMTTrainmaster1946 Livingston MT City Directory
ClydeRocky MountainLivingstonMTWatchman1946 Livingston MT City Directory
ELMontanaMTEngineman05/10/191719171980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1917
ElmerDanielYellowstoneBillingsMTBaggage Agent08/01/191719171950 NP Personnel Records
Retired 06/28/1950.
FLMontanaMTEngineman04/9/191019101980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1910
G LConnellWADistrict  Chairman, Order of Railroad Telegraphers, Northern Pacific Railway, System Division No. 54          Idaho (West) Division 1963 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
G LConnellWADistrict  Chairman, Order of Railroad Telegraphers, Northern Pacific Railway, System Division No. 54          Idaho (West) Division (Camas Prairie Railroad)1967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
GLIdaho (West)Telegrapher9/6/194919498821963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
GLConsolidated Seniority Roster––IdahoTelegrapher2/1/196519658821967-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HPMontanaTelegrapher2/16/1920192023331931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HPYellowstoneTelegrapher2/16/192019209451932-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HPYellowstoneTelegrapher2/16/192019202901963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HEYellowstoneTelegrapher3/24/1949194928641950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HEYellowstoneTelegrapher3/24/194919498561963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HP9451946-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
HP2901963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
H8591946-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
HJMontanaMTEngineman04/25/190719071980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1908
HCRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1914 NPRy Personnel Records
HarryRocky MountainDe BorgiaMTEngineer1907 01/31 Missoulian
Injured in wreck
HowardDakotaTelegrapher5/5/1912191221081931 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HowardFargo (West)Telegrapher5/5/191219128591932-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JFTacomaAuburnWAElectrician Inspector7/26/194419441962 NP Tacoma Div Diesel House List
JCMontanaMTEngineman03/16/190619061980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1908
KWPascoPascoWAMachinist1917 NPRy Personnel Records (actual date obscured)
Willing to transfer to Eastern Roads for service to help out during the period of congestion there.
RESeattle & Puget SoundWAEngineer12/25/190119011918 NP Seattle and Puget Sound Div Seniority List
RESeattleWAFireman05/09/189818981920 Big 4 Railroad Record, Everett, Bellingham, etc. WA
RESeattleWAEngineer12/25/190119011920 Big 4 Railroad Record, Everett, Bellingham, etc. WA
SWTacomaAuburnWAMachinist2/18/194919491962 NP Tacoma Div Diesel House List
SamuelRocky MountainLivingstonMTBoilermaker1937 Livingston MT City Directory
TPYellowstoneSupervisory Agent4/23/19101910¢1931-1933 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
TJRocky MountainMissoulaMTEngineer1904 01/01 Missoulian
Voluntarily transferred to Idaho Division
ThomasJIdahoEngineer8/18/188318831921 NP Idaho Div Roster
WE4761942 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
WLRocky MountainLaurelMTMachinist3/26/194219421971 NP Rocky Mtn Div Machinists
WillRRocky MountainLivingstonMTSweeper1937 Livingston MT City Directory
IraEPascoWapatoWAWarehouseman1910 Yakima WA City Directory
CETacomaAuburnWAYardman10/28/191719171928 Dahl Railway Employees Official Time and Seniority Book
HilbertMessenger1940 Tacoma WA City Directory
RRIdaho (West)Telegrapher4/13/1942194220161943-1946 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LAIdahoParadiseMT11/16/197119711954-1975 NP Paradise MT Tie Plant
On BN 1975 list.
JGMontanaMTEngineman11/6/190719071980 Old Montana Div List, by P. B. Marvin
Left in 1908
HLCamas Prairie Railroad Co.Telegrapher7/2/1938193817201942-1950 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
HLCamas Prairie Railroad Co.Non-member Promoted7/2/19381938#———1963-1968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
JohnWRocky MountainLivingstonMTSwitchman1946 Livingston MT City Directory
EdYellowstoneTerryMTPostal Clerk1901 11/09 Dickinson Press
Burned when mail cars catches fire
EdDakotaDriscollNDPostal Clerk1902 08/30 Dickinson Press
Passenger train rear-ends stock train.
ThosIdaho (West)Fireman4/6/190019001936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
ThosIdaho (West)Engineer8/13/190419041936 Big 5 Railroad Record, Spokane WA
ThosIdaho (West)Passenger Engineer8/13/190419041937-1944 NP Tacoma Div, Seattle Dist Seniority List
Qualified for passenger service on main line Tacoma Div.
CharlesAndrewLake SuperiorDuluthMNEngineer04/06/190619061946 NP Personnel Records
Died 01/09/1946.
ChasLake Superior - First Sub-DivisionEngineer1928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928
ChasLake Superior - Second Sub-DivisionEngineer1928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928
ChasLake Superior - Second Sub-DivisionEngineer1928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle motor busses as of 1928
ChasLake Superior - Third Sub-Division - Duluth-St. Paul and branchesEngineer1928 NP Lake Superior Div Mechanical Dept. File No. B390
Qualified to handle passenger trains as of 1928
L H Relay DivisionTelegrapher9/25/1942194220251943-1951 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
LH5891968 Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Veteran's Medal for 25 or more consecutive years of membership
JFRocky MountainMissoulaMTAsst. General Manager1943 NPRy Personnel Records
JFFargoStaplesMNAsst. Superintendent1938 NPRy Personnel Records
JohnFDivision Superintendent1940 Tacoma WA City Directory
JohnFDivision Superintendent1940 Tacoma WA City Directory
MinnesotaLittle FallsMNLocating Engineer 1870 06/02 St. Cloud Journal
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