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| Bridge Book | | This copy of the NP bridge book was last updated to 1968 conditions. Click the page to make image larger. Than click lower right corner of resulting image to magnify to maximum. Switch to Detail View to filter and find a specific page or use word search. The full posting of this book is underway. | Jerry Masters |
| Company Owned Equipment | | Northern Pacific owned equipment and cars supporting company operations on the property in 1947 and 1968. | Lynn Francis |
| Diesel Locomotive Roster | | A complete roster of diesel locomotives owned and operated by the Northern Pacific. | Lynn Francis |
| Equipment Special Service Assignments | | Assignments of NP freight cars is special service. | Rick Leach |
| Freight Car Roster - 1910 Era | | Freight cars by type in NP service during the years 1908, 1909 and 1910 as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Freight Car Roster - 1930 Era | | Freight cars by type in NP service during the three years before 1930 as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Freight Car Roster - 1940 Era | | Freight cars by type in NP service during the three years before 1940 as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Freight Car Roster - 1950 Era | | Freight cars by type in NP service during the three years before 1950 as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Freight Car Roster - 1960 Era | | Freight cars by type in NP service during the three years before 1960 as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Freight Car Roster - 1970 Era | | Freight cars by type in NP service during the three years before 1970 as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Freight Car Roster - All Time | | NP Freight Equipment Index. Click the SRID to open the series detail page. Source: NP Ry Mechanical Dept. | Matt Herson |
| Freight Conductor's Record 1899 | | A list of all active NP stations as of this revision of Circular No. 21 dated January 1899. Compiled by Paul Curtiss. | Paul Curtiss |
| Freight Train Descriptions of 1968 | | The Train Brief document details the scheduled freight trains on the mainline and each division. It was created by the NP a few years before the 1970 merger, but reflects information previously communicated by divisional dispatchers. These documents are in live text format, and thus can be searched using the word-search function in the upper right corner of this page. | Steve Volek |
| Interlocking Tower Abbreviations | | Abbreviations used in the NP Interlocking Tower Roster. | Peter Thompson |
| Interlocking Tower of the NP | | A list of the interlocking towers associated with the Northern Pacific operations gathered from many sources and with the help of many NPRHA members. We thank Peter for all his work on this roster. | Peter Thompson |
| Motor Cars of the NP | | The all-time roster of gas-electric and rail-diesel cars operated by the Northern Pacific. | Lynn Francis |
| Northern Pacific Transport Trailers | | NPT Trailers on lease to the NP on July 1969 | Lynn Francis |
| NP-Telegrapher Roster | | This searchable spreadsheet can help you determine if an ancestor worked for the Northern Pacific as a telegrapher and if so, when and where. | Jan Taylor |
| Refrigerator Car Roster - 1940 Era | | Refrigerators cars by type in NP service in the three years before 1940 era as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Refrigerator Car Roster - 1950 Era | | Refrigerators cars by type in NP service in the three years before 1950 era as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Refrigerator Car Roster - 1960 Era | | Refrigerators cars by type in NP service in the three years before 1960 era as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Refrigerator Car Roster - 1970 Era | | Refrigerators cars by type in NP service in the three years before 1970 era as shown in the ORERs of the time. | Lynn Francis |
| Seniority Rosters | | Information in this set of databases comes mainly from 13 issues of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers (ORT) seniority lists published in pocket book format. This collection represents Northern Pacific telegraphers with some additional entries for subsidiary Minnesota & International Railway, Big Fork & International Falls Railway, and Camas Prairie Railroad. Information on the books themselves is included on a separate sheet. | Jan Taylor |
| Station Roster of 1899 | | A list of active NP stations as of this revision of Circular No. 21 dated January 1899. Branch station numbers show the distance from the branch's intersection with the main Line. Main line station numbers are the distance from Ashland WI. By the orginal charter, branch lines were operated as independent railroads outside a division before the 1896 NP Reorganization. | Paul Curtiss |
| Station Roster of 1922 | | List of stations on the Northern Pacific mainline and branch lines active in April 1922. Source: List of Officers, Agents, Stations, Etc. Number 26. Prepared by Paul Curtiss. | Paul Curtiss |
| Station Roster of 1947 | | List of stations on the Northern Pacific mainline and branch lines active in July 1947. Source: List of Officers, Agents, Stations, Etc. Number 44. Prepared by Peter Thompson. | Peter Thompson. |
| Stations of Current Idaho Division in 1901 | | Northern Pacific form 1451 dated 9-23-1901 FREIGHT CONDUCTOR'S RECORD has a list of all stations with their numbers which are miles from Ashland. The Rocky Mountain Division at that time was from Helena to Hope and the Idaho Division from Hope to Ellensburg. Complied by Jim Fredrickson. | Jim Fredrickson |
| Steam Locomotive Class List | | Each of the steam classes assigned after 1907 when the last numbering system was in affect. | Robert Frey |
| Steam Locomotive Roster | | A roster of the NP steam locomotives as numbered after 1907 with their former numbers. | Robert Graham |
| Steam Tender Roster | | A list of tenders mated with NP steam locomotives after 1900 to the end of steam. | Robert Frey |
| Streamline Passenger Car Roster | | The all-time roster of streamline and lightweight passenger equipment operated by the Northen Pacific. | Mike Lustig |
| Train Number Summary | | This is a composite list of scheduled NP passenger and freight trains. The passenger trains operated by the NP in 1930 were compiled by John F. Strauss, Jr. and the freight train data comes from the NP Train Brief book issued June 23, 1969. Train numbers changed very little from the start of passenger service, but trains were added and removed from service from time to time. However, the Seattle to Portland mainline direction changed from west to east in 1932, changing affected train numbers. | John Strauss, Jr. |
| Wheel Reports | | Wheel reports were prepared by freight conductors and describe each car in the consist, it destination, and contents. This list has been copyrighted by Allen Rueter 2005 who transcribed the material. “The original document was provided by Dick Eisfeller, I have made a best effort to transcribe the original document. I have entered known errors, put in question marks where I can not make things out, and entered comments on what it might be. This copyright reserves all commercial rights, but permits the free sharing and non-commercial use of this document in either digital or printed format.” | Allen Rueter |