Learn About The Benefits Of The
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association
The signing of the charter for the Northern Pacific by Abraham Lincoln in 1864 and the completion of its mainline in 1883 were major factors in the opening of the northern tier of United States. The NP was an early innovator in the areas of on-board dining services, the 2-8-2, 4-8-4 and 2-8-8-4 steam locomotive designs, the center-truss flat car and much more. The NP was involved in some key events affecting the development of the nation, such as: the demise of Custer, the financial collapses of 1873 and 1893, and the anti-trust legislation of the early1900s. The
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association (NPRHA) is dedicated to preserving the history of America's first northern transcontinental railroad and making it accessible on this website. This is done by the nearly 2,000 members of the NPRHA who support research into the operations, equipment, and facilities of the NP and by modeling and publishing the various research findings.
The NPRHA is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational organization formed in 1981 which offers the following benefits:
Join The NPRHA or Renew Your Membership!For only $35 a year, you too can join with others to expand and deepen your knowledge of this wonderful railroad known as the "Mainstreet of the Northwest." To join the NPRHA, or RENEW your membership, visit the NPRHA Company Store. To reach NPRHA Membership Services, send an email to: Membership@NPRHA.org.
The NPRHA publishes
The Mainstreeter, a quarterly historical magazine; produced using high quality photo reproductions illustrating articles written by knowledgeable NPRHA members. Each issue contains one to three articles along with regular columns on modeling, stories of veterans, and news of the NPRHA. All back-issues are available from the
NPRHA Company Store.
The NPRHA publishes a photo calendar annually showing thirteen great photos of NP action and the dates of the significant events occurring over the Northern Pacific's history. You can order calendars by going to the NPRHA Online Company Store from the Home page, or click here to get a mail-in form to place your 2023 calendar order. Click here if you need an order form for the special 2024 double calendar.
The NPRHA operates
www.NPRHA.org, which provides searchable, online access to NP information, as-well-as the place to purchase online NPRHA Memberships, NP-related publications and merchandise, and to register for the annual convention. If you have a research question, email it to
The NPRHA sells Northern Pacific-related items through the NPRHA Company Store including: books, modeling kits, NP CDs and DVDs, note cards, back issues of the Mainstreeter and Calendars, and more online at
www.NPRHA.org. The reach the manager of the NPRHA Company Store, send an email to: CompanyStore@nprha.org
Join the 150 other NP enthusists who typicially attend the NPRHA annual conventions. historical presentations, swap meets, modeling talks, but most imporantly, NP kinship is all shared at NP conventions. Go here for more information on the convention and go here to register.
NPRHA Preservation Grants
The Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association will award a limited number of grants in the areas of railway history and the preservation of railway heritage including structures, publications, research and educational projects. To learn more, visit the
Preservation Grants site.
NPRHA Board of Directors & Program Chairs
NPRHA programs are administered by our Board of Directors & Committee Chairs. They meet each year at our annual convention, but carry on the bulk of their work via email throughout the year. Click Here to view the current members of the Board and Committee Chairs.
NPRHA Documents
NPRHA Document Library contains a broad set of NPRHA documents, from bylaws to convention meeting notes.
Have a General Question?
Email your questions not coovered above to: Info@ NPRHA.org.