Helpers, Diesel, Stampede Pass                                   TT00030




01/05/2003  5:39 PM

Jim Fredrickson

Tacoma, Washington November 7th, 1944   CHIEF DISPATCHERS MTN E MTN W  Following from Mr. Burgess, November 7th:  "We are instructed to use one Diesel road engine in helper service between Lester and Easton, attempting to handle all freight train helps with this engine and using crews in turn.  These Diesel helpers are to be placed in train ahead of caboose or cars of insufficient strength to withstand the push of helper engine. There is to be no change in method of handling air or retainers. Such trains having Diesel road and helper engines should be able to maintain a 15 MPH speed and Road Foremen will instruct as to operation of engs. Z-3 engines used in road service will be given not to exceed 3500 tons so can be handled with one Diesel helper. The two-Diesel trains should handled 4500 tons.  Mr. Dunkerley will arrange for Road Foreman to be on hand to instruct engineers and firemen, and Mr. Ackley will confer with Master Mechanic and put the arrangement into effect as soon as Road Foremen are available.   The probable procedure should be to change a Diesel for a Z-3 engine at Lester on Westward train and insert that Diesel in helper service. Such engine will have made a trip Auburn to Yakima and return to Lester and will have to be changed off with another Diesel at a time when it has sufficient fuel to handle train to Auburn. In exchanging one Diesel for another this will have to be done at Easton by placing engine to be relieved on head end and using road engine as helper.  The question of fuel oil will have to be watched closely and experience will develop how many helper trips can be had before necessary to run engine to Auburn. Of course, helpers will have to be run through between Lester and Easton as conditions necessitate. There should be no objection to availing of Diesel to help a passenger train when it may be spared from freight service and can be handled to advantage.  It is desired that record be maintained of helper service so can be determined to what extent diesel can serve all freight trains."  CA-268  A.W. Ackley Chief Dispatcher  From Jim F. archives  Footnote:  This was changed to place diesel helpers in middle of freight trains.  When the FT's were received they had a minimum speed of 15 MPH which was quite a handicap. (Lugging down lower was known as "running in the red" and could result in major damage). They all went through a major overhaul at South Tacoma in the early 50's and this minimum speed was reduced to 9 MPH.   FT, operations, freight  Compiler  C Frissell