Navigating Site

The web site is made up of a site Home Page with quick-access links to Modeling, Research Library, Company Store and Help sections. Also, there are other links to information on Joining the NPRHA and our annual Conventions. These links take you to pages which contain links to the sub-sections of the main topics which should take you to the information you seek which is contained in lists, documents and picture libraries. Most of the data on the site will be found under the Research Library link.


If you get lost while browsing the site or just want to start over, simply click one of the quick-access links at the top of the page. It’s also a good idea to add the home page of the NPRHA to the Favorites list in your browser to that you can easily return to the site if you navigate away from the site. When you are in the Research Library section, select a link where you expect to find what you’re seeking from the Start Research Here section.  The five links allow you to look through All Databases & Lists and select the one you want to review. Also, you can narrow down the list by selecting the link to the site’s Diagrams, NP Information sources, Photos or Rosters.